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I want to add a new value in the post meta without deleting the old value

I have post meta "metaname" with value "thatsme" and I want to add a new value "thatsyou" in the post meta "metaname" without deleting the old value "...
user2496713's user avatar
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How to implement http-equiv/refresh with POST request?

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="99" /> The above html automatically refreshes a page after 99 seconds. I tried to use it for a POST request to prevent a timeout error. However, it doesn't ...
pandichef's user avatar
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WP Query argument to search by post title

I am trying to filter my posts by post title. I can use the code below perfectly to filter by anything in postmeta, but i want to get results that match against the post title. How do i change this so ...
jord49's user avatar
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Wordpress get post meta add shortcode not working

my index post meta code: <?php echo get_post_meta(get_option('page_on_front'), 'my_post_meta', true); ?> my shortcode function shortcode() { echo "cesa"; } if shortcode I run it in ...
Celil Şahin's user avatar
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Use meta_query to display events by date in custom field

I'm working on a template for a specific category archive of the custom post type event. I need to make a query that shows future and ongoing events, ordering by a date in custom field. <?php $...
Gozer's user avatar
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Wordpress post custom field image download and set it to featured image

i have posts with contains image url of external source in custom filed. i want to download it to my own server and set it to featured image. I searched but not got any solution. Example of my post ...
David Corp's user avatar
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Use blogger post labels as meta data keywords

I am starting to make blogger templates from scratch and i am making a research about best SEO metadata for each post. I think the most logical way to use meta name=keywords is to use post labels as ...
Pit's user avatar
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Get a list of meta values and search for posts Wordpress

how to link meta_values to make a search for posts with the current meta? The code above, show in a dropdown all the meta_value of city meta_key and cpt post type <?php if ( have_posts() ) : ?&...
Tatiana's user avatar
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Display Post Meta Values in Arrays

I have a following function: function frontend_add_age_group_field ( $fields ) { $fields['event']['event_age_group'] = array( 'label' => __( 'Age Group', 'event_manager' ), 'type' ...
Athar K's user avatar
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Display all Level of Categories in post

What I Have I have a code that display Meta post time, date last level of sub category, What i Want I Want all category Level should Display Like Main category >> Sub Category level #1>>Sub Category ...
Ram Ji's user avatar
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Wordpress - getting post meta, best practices

I'm using Ajax for displaying posts in popup. I can't find information about true way to getting post meta. I can get meta field individually: $project_client = get_post_meta( $postId, '...
Joe's user avatar
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cant access get_post_meta key value

i make some modifications to a results table with woocomerce products, and i want to add some extra information from post meta key unique_code, but it doesnt work as it should be: $uniquecode = ...
lenaaxe's user avatar
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How can I get the meta out of this array in a variable?

I have another (may stupid) question: How can I get the "Olaf" (or everything else what is there) from the meta in this array in a $variable ? Array ( [0] => Pagekit\Blog\Model\Post Object ( ...
UnknownProgrammer's user avatar
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woocommerce: how to modify/extend product/item meta

we are using woocommerce and need to add a field for all products such as future_availabilty_quantity I'm not sure where woocommerce stores all product related attributes/fields.
dave's user avatar
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WP-API v2 and post_metas

Is there a way to get post metas via wp-api on request. I have a custom post_type having metas which I would like to receive on request but I do not see in docs any reference to this
fefe's user avatar
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