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Questions tagged [marker-interfaces]

An empty interface in java is called marker interface. Use this tag for questions referring to the Java programming marker interface.

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academic/scholarly term for Interface belonging to class library(in a dll or jar file) that must be implemented by the client application code

Let's say one has a Financial Foreign Exchange Processor Class Library called ForeignXchangeProc and a client business application that uses said Class Library. However, within the ForeignXchangeProc, ...
crazyTech's user avatar
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How to enforce a method argument type?

How to enforce that types are part of a super type, that has no properties? The idea is to enforce that only types that share a super type can be passed to a method and no other types. Assume we have ...
Chriss's user avatar
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6 votes
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Marker Interface To avoid Generic Controllers & Constructor with generic paramaters

I have overridden default IdentityUser and UserStore provided by Microsoft Identity. public class ApplicationUser<TIdentityKey, TClientKey> : IdentityUser<TIdentityKey>, ...
Safi Mustafa's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

The following java code is Legal.Why is it legal? [duplicate]

interface P{} class A{} class Demo{ public static void main(String arg[]){ A a1=null; P p1=null; a1=(A)p1; //legal p1=(P)a1; //legal } } In this ...
Lithira Amarasinghe's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Custom Validation Not Working on spring boot

I am trying to implement custom validation in spring boot but there is some issue with the code even if I am passing wrong phone number the phone number should be 10 digit but I am passing a string ...
Siddhant Bhatia's user avatar
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Serialization, compile time check Vs runtime check

When going through how marker interfaces are used in Java, I found writeObject method from ObjectOutputStream class. It receives instance of Object as input and do serialization only when given ...
Jomy George's user avatar
-1 votes
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Is @FunctionalInterface just a marker interface or more than that?

I guess @FuntionalInterface is present even before Java 8 (although not directly named as @FunctionalInterface the interfaces such as Comparator and Comparable that have single method). Is it just a ...
AdityaKapreShrewsburyBoston's user avatar
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Implement Marker Interface in Spring WebServices

I want to implement Marker interface, having two sub-class, something like factory pattern. public interface TryMarker { } Bean 1 with all getters & setters & annotations public class ...
Pratik Gaurav's user avatar
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How to create a differentiated marker class hierarchy

I have a case where I have a base interface (X), an updatable interface (updatableX), and a nonUpdatableInterface (frozenX). frozenX implementations are expected to implement hashCode() and equals() ...
cWarren's user avatar
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Why can't we use clone method by using approch 1(given below) instead of approch 2 and what's need of marker interface? Why jvm handle clone method? [duplicate]

approach 2 /*Using clone method by using marker interface and clone method control by jvm (recommended way)*/ class Employee implements Clonable { String name,id; Employee(String name,String id) { ...
amar kumar's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Is it OK to inherit an empty Interface?

I have this generic method: public void Send < TBiz, TEntity > (string serviceName, string pkName) where TEntity: class, IEntity where TBiz: class, BLL.Modules.INewSend ...
A.Esdeki's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

What is the point of marker interface in java and why can't we go on without them?

I have read about marker interfaces and I have developed some understanding as to how they can be used in code but what I don't understand why do we need them and what is the reason that this concept ...
Uzair Abid's user avatar
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What's the good of Marker Interface?

The idea or purpose of the marker interface sounds totally meaningless to me. While searching for the "Serializable Class" in Java, I inevitably came to this concept, 'Marker Interface'. I understood ...
Now.Zero's user avatar
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3 answers

How/Why can we say that the functional interfaces in java 8 are marker interfaces

In a recent interview I was asked the question that "how can we say that in java8 the functional interfaces are similar to marker interfaces". I was not able to answer this question. But I think ...
Ankit_ceo2's user avatar
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1 answer

Custom Marker Interface in Java

As Serializable and Cloneable is marker Interface (interface which is not having any method), so if we create our own marker interface then what will be the difference between these two.
Sumit Singh's user avatar

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