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Questions tagged [serializable]

Serialization is the process of converting a data structure or object state into a format that can be stored. The `SerializableAttribute` is a .NET Framework attribute that signifies the object is serializable. The `Serializable` Java marker interface indicates that an object can be serialized using standard JVM serialization mechanisms. Other languages and frameworks have similar abstract classes or attributes.

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Why transaction history W1(X1)W1(Y1)W1(Z1)C1W3(X3)R2(X1)W2(Y2)C2R3(Y1)C3 is serializable?

[enter image description here][1]I'm reading the paper Making Snapshot Isolation Serializable,it provide an example 2.1 in Section 2.1: SI history H1 It'a an transaction history under SI,and explains ...
Soren Yang's user avatar
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Is there any solution that enable LAZY FETCH when implementing Serializable

I have 3 Entities Name A ,B and BAudits (here is the code snippet): @Entity ... @BatchSize(size = 1000) @Table(name = "TABLE_A") @Getter @Setter @NoArgsConstructor public class A implements ...
CHL's user avatar
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How to check if a [Serializable] class object is null or not in Unity C#?

I have a serializable class object [Serializable] public class ScheduledRoutine { public int uid { get; private set; } public string TaskName = ""; } My function want to do check if ...
陽品駒's user avatar
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Serialization of 3rd party subtyped classes at runtime in Kotlin

I am developing a library in Kotlin that defines an abstract class that will be subtyped by third parties. Furthermore these subtypes should be annotated by with a custom annotation of my property. @...
gcuellar's user avatar
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How to declare an unmodifiable serializable List in Java

Given a class with a List field: public class A implements Serializable { private final List<String> names; public A(List<String> names) { this.names = List.copyOf(names); ...
Nausika's user avatar
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Encapsulating member variables of a raw C# class that was marked as serializable

I have a raw C# class that is marked as [Serializable]. The fields are all public since the object is being saved to a file with Newtonsoft JSON.NET. [Serializable] public class ...
Janesh Parnami's user avatar
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Dump with SERIALIZABLE more consistent than `--single-transaction` (REPEATABLE READ) in MySQL

I could dump all databases to backup.sql with --single-transaction as shown below: mysqldump -u john -p -A --single-transaction > backup.sql Actually according to the doc below, --single-...
Super Kai - Kazuya Ito's user avatar
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Handling inconsistency in a highly normalized DB with long load times

I have a highly normalized database with many foreign keys, and my application performs calculations on this data. First my application loads numerous entities of respective customer (let’s say by ...
Cowabunga's user avatar
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KTOR: Please ensure that class is marked as '@Serializable' and that the serialization compiler plugin is applied

I'm getting this error when using Ktor: kotlinx.serialization.SerializationException: Serializer for class 'YouTubeResponse' is not found. Logs show: Please ensure that class is marked as '@...
VIN's user avatar
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Spark with Scala: Task not serializable due to sparkContext

Hi first time posting out of desperation ^^U, I'm trying to make this work. The idea is: from a Dataframe with one column representing a list of ids I want to return a new Dataframe with a new column ...
n30n's user avatar
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Migrating Old Serialized Data to Externalizable Data

I am working with a Spring JPA database and am attempting to migrate old Serializable objects to Externalible ones (for future data restructures, etc). Example Structure - Entity (Encryption ...
SwordOfSouls's user avatar
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select for update and insert on SERIALIZABLE isolation level

isolation level: SERIALIZABLE select other_col from my_table where pk_col = 1 for update if there is no row returned by 1 goto 3, otherwise goto 5 insert ignore into my_table(pk_col, other_col) ...
firia2000's user avatar
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How to create a new instance Serializable class by reflection in Kotlin?

Stub object for testing purposes fails to create via reflection: internal fun <T : ParentThingy> KClass<in T>.random(): T { val createViaConstructor = constructors.first() val args ...
Alexander Vasiljev's user avatar
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Issue while parsing a list of objects retrieved from Firebase Firestore collection

I am working on an android project and I've been trying to use Firebase Firestore collections. Everything seems fine up until the second activity retrieving the intent with the parsed list of watches. ...
Nour's user avatar
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How to add PPPoE tag to a PADI packet using Go?

This is how I create a PADI packet using google/gopacket library. func createDefaultPADI() layers.PPPoE { return layers.PPPoE{ Version: 0x1, Type: 0x1, Code: ...
baris's user avatar
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