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Questions tagged [lettuce]

Lettuce can stand for two things: * A behavior-driven development (BDD) tool for Python: * A Redis client for Java:

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GCP Memstore Discovery End Point connectivity

We are using spring session which uses Lettuce connection factory to connect to the GCP redis single instance. We are planning to move to GCP redis cluster which has Discovery End point (single IP ...
Hemanth K N's user avatar
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Simplest way to create Lettuce beans in Spring?

I want to invoke Redis's FUNCTION LOAD and FCALL commands, but there are no corresponding methods in the classes under package (if there are, please tell me). So I have ...
Minglei Lee's user avatar
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Can ExperimentalLettuceCoroutinesApi for connecting to REDIS be used in production?

hi I am working on a production application to connect to AWS Elasticache REDIS using Kotlin. The TPS in production will be 1M. I am using Lettuce client and my code is written in kotlin. I came ...
Mitesh Patekar's user avatar
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Redis read Performance issue using Lettuce with WebFlux

I was trying check the performance of reading Redis data using WebFlux. What I found is since the WebFlux is using single thread to perform the read and deserialize the response (e.g lettuce-...
Jitesh's user avatar
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redis cluster subscriber is not working with lettuce

This is my code public void subscribeToEncounterCheckoutTimeChannel(){"Inside subscribeXXXChannel()"); StatefulRedisClusterPubSubConnection<String, String> ...
user1555924's user avatar
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Why does lecttuce send lua script load command to all nodes (including replicas) in redis cluster?

I tried scriptLoad method of Lecttuce with Redis cluster (3 master, 2 replicas, 1 replica down) Expected: scriptLoad method run successfully Actual: An error occurred that informed lecttuce could not ...
Peter Phan's user avatar
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Does lettuce support batch get commands through pipeline for redis in cluster mode?

I am using lettuce library and spring redis template for the redis commands, I am using executePipelined command for fetching multiple keys and the fields stored in hashkeys, do we need to use hastags ...
Prakarsh Saxena's user avatar
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Migrate redis string values to redis JSON documents

I'm currently exploring the possibility of migrating redis string value to JSON and wonder if anyone has successfully done so. I am using Lettuce as the redis client. Right now my object is JSON ...
Bloo Nguyễn's user avatar
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Upgrade to spring boot 3.2.2 got exception : Redis command interrupted

After updating an application from Spring Boot 2.7 to Spring Boot 3.2.2, I encountered intermittent Redis command interrupted exceptions in a high-...
user24043407's user avatar
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spring-data-redis lettuce caused off-heap memory ?why is off-heap memory?

in a production environment, direct use of redis pipeline policy of spring-data-redis , under certain conditions(it could be the Internet.), will cause off-heap memory to continue to rise, what is the ...
keller's user avatar
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Not able to inject RedisCache/SyncCache/StatefulRedisConnection beans in micronaut 4.2.1 version

We are using Micronaut 2 with Redis and jdk11 in my aws lambda application. We have upgraded jdk17 with micronaut 4. As part of the upgrade, we are facing issue with Redis and getting io.micronaut....
Naresh Byredla's user avatar
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lua script from java (io-lettuce-core)

I am trying to run a Lua script from lettuce like this that does an hgetall command on a remote Redis: private static String SCRIPT_CONS = "local hgetallkeys = function(key)" +"\n" ...
user3300534's user avatar
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Redis Cluster performance not increasing linearly with Lettuce

Redis Cluster performance not increasing linearly: Ran the perf on GCP Cloud: Machine Type: c3-highmem-4 (vCPU: 4 Memory: 29GB) Standalone Redis: SET ops/sec: 243,858 (243K) {benchmarking using ...
Noob's user avatar
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Multiple connections are used even when shareNativeConnection is enabled in spring-data-redis LettuceConnectionFactory

We are using spring-data-redis with lettuce under the hood. 'shareNativeConnection' is enabled by default. We currently only have get and set calls to Redis. From the connection event logs, I see ...
aneri's user avatar
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Redis two operations performing in single command like String command and Hash command at a time for fetching their values from Redis Server

I have a query regarding redis two operations performing in single command like String command and Hash command at a time for fetching their values from Redis Server. SET key1 value1 SET key2 value2 ...
RRS's user avatar
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