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Questions tagged [leiningen]

Leiningen is a build automation and dependency management tool for Clojure projects

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Syntax error macroexpanding defact, upgrading clojure 1.9 to 1.12

I'm getting the following error when upgrading from clojure 1.9 to clojure 1.12 Syntax error macroexpanding defact at (up/lib/pvm/fact.clj:23:18). Don't know how to create ISeq from: clojure.lang....
Jarrod Stone's user avatar
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Error while upgrading the Clojure project from Java 8 to Java 17

When I did upgrade my Clojure project to OpenJDK 17, I am facing unusual exceptions. The get-object function of S3 expects two arguments which we were passing as map in format (s3/get-object :bucket-...
Praveen's user avatar
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Mac OS X - Brew installed Leiningen permission error / wrong directory

I've never had issue installing Leiningen on multiple machines. But on a new Mac (MacOS 14.3), I can't get lein repl to work: Permission denied. Please check your access rights ...
Hugolin Bergier's user avatar
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Looking for a Clojure/LISP equivalent to Scons [closed]

I have found a Scons, a Python-based build language similar to Make. However, I can not seem to find a Clojure/LISP equivalent to this type of build language tool (despite LISPs being seeming well-...
ggg123's user avatar
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Loading environment variables temporarily on nrepl start up

I have a clojure project using leiningen. I want to load environment variables from a file on nrepl start. I only want this to run on repl start because these environment variables are configured for ...
Ashwin's user avatar
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lein deps fails with cljfx

I am trying to use cljfx. However, lein deps fails and I got a bit stuck... the error I get is Could not find artifact org.openjfx:javafx-controls:jar:${javafx.platform}: in central (https://...
Lucas Moreira's user avatar
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Function Namespace Conflicts in Clojure Project with Incanter

I'm currently working through "Clojure Data Analysis Cookbook" by Eric Rochester and have encountered an issue with namespace conflicts involving the abs function. I set up my project using ...
user3523406's user avatar
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Error loading a shared library when trying to run a Clojure project in NixOS

I am trying to run a super simple Clojure project in NixOS 23.05. The project.clj file contains: (defproject fsm "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT" :description "FIXME: write description" :url &...
Jeff's user avatar
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How to set process name for Leiningen script so htop shows it as "lein" and not "java... "?

How to set the process name for Leiningen script so htop shows it as "lein" and not "java... "? Every Leiningen process shows as "java -D..." I tried: #!/bin/bash # Set ...
user avatar
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What is wrong with my namespace declaration in this clojure project?

I am using Clojure and leinigen to build a backend project. This is a simplified version of my file: (ns simplified... (:require [ring.middleware.json :refer [wrap-json-response]] [ring....
Pedro Delfino's user avatar
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OS Error 13 when running lein test in leiningen project clojure

I am facing an issue while running lein test in a clojure project directly from the terminal. I am getting this error: Compilation failed: Cannot run program "/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/...
Fabio Dias Francisco's user avatar
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Leiningen unable to start a REPL: "Unable to resolve symbol: create in this context"

I'm just switching from Cursive (IntelliJ IDEA) to Emacs But I cannot launch REPL from neither CIDER nor lein... It just says Unable to resolve symbol: create in this context But in my code I'm not ...
Freeze Dolphin's user avatar
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Clojure in server plugin dev: calling classes that must be initialized after server startup

I'm new to clojure.. Suppose that a server loads plugins by loading jar file on runtime. And the server itself has many classes that must be initialized after server startup. (these classes will check ...
Freeze Dolphin's user avatar
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Leiningen how to include dependency into result jar file

(defproject dumortierite "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT" ;; omitted... :dependencies [ [com.github.freeze-dolphin/clamp "4ddd923dcb" :scope "compile"] ...
Freeze Dolphin's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Calva Error "LSP classpath lookup failed when running `lein with-profile +test,+dev classpath`. "

I would like to use vs code as development environment for clojure. I'm opening guestbook project in vs code. As soon as the project is opened in vs code I get error pop up. LSP classpath lookup ...
user51's user avatar
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