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Questions tagged [lazy-initialization]

Lazy initialization is the tactic of delaying the creation of an object, the calculation of a value, or some other expensive process until the first time it is needed.

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Scala initialization order object vs. val

In the following program an object is reported as null, even though it is clearly initialized. class MyClass() class MyOtherClass(c: MyClass) object Foo { val myClass = new MyClass() object ...
bobismijnnaam's user avatar
-1 votes
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Fetching hibernate lazy loaded objects in threads

I am using Hibernate 5.3, Spring and Java 8. Our application is an enterprise application, initially created on struts and then some new development is being done in Spring. Spring is not properly ...
Yasin Ahmed's user avatar
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Spring boot: dependency cycle between beans could not be broken

I am working on creating an Airline website using Spring Boot. I have a Seat class and a Flight class which represent tables in the database. The idea is that whenever a flight is added, seats for the ...
SWE's user avatar
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TransientObjectException during commit when adding entity to an uninitialized lazy collection in Hibernate

Assume, we have two simple entities Parent and Child like the following: @Entity public class Parent extends BaseEntity { private String content; @OneToMany(mappedBy = "parent", ...
DommeL's user avatar
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Instantiate lazy val which depends on runtime parameter in concurrent env

I need to instantiate MyHttpClient as Singleton. MyHttpClient is used by multiple threads. Solution below works, but it's ugly and should have issue with endpoint, I just didn't hit it yet. endpoint ...
Capacytron's user avatar
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Selenium WebDriver PageFactory Webelement initialization

I have more than 500 web-elements in a webpage. If I use Page Object Model with PageFactory.initElements() in selenium it will initialize all the elements once the object is created. Lets says I am ...
Sathya's user avatar
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Issue with Re-rendering of Horizontal ScrollView Inside Vertical ScrollView in SwiftUI

I am encountering an issue with re-rendering of a horizontal ScrollView inside a vertical ScrollView in SwiftUI. The vertical ScrollView contains multiple horizontal ScrollViews, each displaying a ...
santhosh kumar's user avatar
1 vote
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Using AtomicReference for lazy init

can the lazy init be done safely this way? We had a dispute where a colleague was claming for some first threads it could fail and they would see the null value. public class TestAtomicReference { ...
PZ73's user avatar
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build on top of Kickstart Neovim

build on top of Kickstart Neovim I m a noob using the git repo to configure Neovim In the instructions inside the init.lua
Ajay's user avatar
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How to Initialize Redux Store asynchronously?

I have a Next.js Application and for State Management I am using Redux Toolkit. Now, to maintain authentication status in frontend side, I need to take the existing token and send it to backend for ...
D_Gamer's user avatar
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Am I using in a wrong way async lazy initialization?

I have a view model with 2 collections, that takes the data from database. For example countries and type of VAT. I would like to defer the initialization of this collections until I will, becauase if ...
Álvaro García's user avatar
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Fortran: Initialization of allocatable array with another array [duplicate]

I read a Fortran code : program t real :: x(5) =[1.,-2.,3.,-4.,5.] real,allocatable :: y(:) y = x ... For me the normal way is allocate(y,source=x) I'm surprised that it works, ...
Fabien's user avatar
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2 answers

Racy Single-Check Idiom with Intermediate Result

The racy single-check idiom is a technique for lazy initialization without synchronization or volatile. It can be used when initialization is allowed to be performed concurrently by multiple threads, ...
mperktold's user avatar
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Faster loading of R Markdown html document

Dear StackOverflow members, I am creating big html documents using R Markdown. These documents contain 200 till 300 charts generated using ggplotly. The creation/knitting of these files works well. ...
user3516915's user avatar
-2 votes
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Use object guarded by Mutex

I want to implement a lazy static reqwest::ClientBuilder. NB this is for a utilities module, so I have a feeling it'd be difficult to avoid using a static in this case. I want to construct it once, ...
mike rodent's user avatar
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