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Questions tagged [laravel-scheduler]

Scheduler is a new feature in Laravel 5 designed to simplify tasks that need to be scheduled. All that is required is setting up one cron job that calls php artisan schedule:run and have it run every minute.

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Laravel schedule logs are not at same place as Laravel task logs

I have Laravel 8 app in development mode that has task scheduled on every 20 seconds: `protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule): void { $event = $schedule->exec('php artisan app:...
Nikola Tripkovic's user avatar
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How to Solve External Connection Issues When Making API Calls in Laravel on OVH Shared Hosting?

I'm working on a Laravel 11 project with PHP 8.3, hosted on an OVH Pro shared server. The project involves making API calls to write data to a blockchain. This API call is scheduled to run once a day ...
Equipe dev's user avatar
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Performance between Laravel Scheduler vs Crontab

I've always used the Linux Crontab to call my cronjobs. Most of the times I only had 5 to 10 cronjobs, which is pretty manageable, specially in terms of UI. I also used many times the cPanel cronjobs ...
Linesofcode's user avatar
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Laravel: Scheduled command not getting executed in development environment

I am working on a Laravel project and have created a command with signature 'process:pending-reports'. When I run this using: php artisan process:pending-reports, it does the needful i.e. the script ...
Sagar Thatte's user avatar
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Laravel in production server scheduled jobs dispatches twice

In Laravel 7 I use supervisor in my production server(Ubuntu) to get some jobs running automatically. in local env everything work well. but in my production server every job queuing twice. This my ...
Zia's user avatar
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Laravel Forge Does Not Run Scheduled Command

Something is wrong with command running on Laravel Forge via their scheduler. I have plenty of commands there already and all of hthem are running just fine. Scheduler setup is generic, it calls ...
Gino Pane's user avatar
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Laravel Scheduler Issue: '1/2 * * * *' Cron Expression Valid in crontab but Not in Laravel Scheduler

I am facing a peculiar issue with Laravel Scheduler where the cron expression '1/2 * * * *' is marked as invalid, even though it works perfectly fine when added directly to the crontab. The Laravel ...
Haris Wijayanto's user avatar
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Changing log file path dynamically when running laravel task scheduler

In app\Console\Kernel.php, I have two commands. protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule) { $schedule->command("cron:batch-1") ->name("batch-1") ...
Cloud's user avatar
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Laravel 10 everySecond Method doesn't work as expected

According to laravel 10 documentation, we can use other sub-minute time constraints (everySecond, everyTwoSeconds, etc) for intervals lesser than one minute; but none of the sub-minute seems to be ...
DAVID AJAYI's user avatar
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Laravel 10 scheduler on VPS - fails to run a nodeJS process but succeeds if is typed manually in the console

I am experiencing strange behavior of a process (Illuminate\Support\Facades\Process) running through Laravel 10 scheduler on a VPS and I really don't know how is this happening or how to fix this ...
Paulis's user avatar
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Laravel scheduler chain process calls

I have several processes that I want to chain using the laravel scheduler. <?php namespace App\Process; use App\Loggers\Logger; class UtilsProcess { public function test1() { ...
Arkaik's user avatar
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Laravel Schedule Command Not Working In EC2 with Sail

I have the laravel app running with Sail in EC2 Ubuntu AWS server. I already have the command emails:send-weekly that I have tested with both php artisan emails:send-weekly and ./vendor/bin/sail ...
Bryan Leonardo's user avatar
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Laravel php artisan schedule:run directly on bash

I have a laravel application hosted on a ubuntu server.While i was setting up the scheduler i ran this command on the terminal: php artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1 Reading the ...
cdBreak's user avatar
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Execute Ubuntu command using Laravel Schedule

I want to run a command to remove all files under the folder 'allfiles/' root@admin:/home/admin/allfiles# find . -name '*' | xargs rm and it clears all files under allfiles I want to run the same ...
Anonymous Girl's user avatar
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Laravel scheduler start and run in custom times and not just from 0 time

Users in the application save a reminder for example at 10:45 and the system should send an email or message to him every 30 minutes. the problem is time starts from 11 and sends the message to the ...
ali Falahati's user avatar

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