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Questions tagged [schedule]

A schedule is the arrangement of events in time.

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Laravel 10 artisan PHP Startup: Invalid date.timezone value '', using 'UTC' instead

I am using Laravel 10.x and I am running artisan command using Cronjob /opt/alt/php82/usr/bin/php artisan schedule:run >/dev/null 2>&1 every minute as follows: namespace App\Console; use ...
Maka's user avatar
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Class "Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schedule" not found [closed]

I wanted to schedule a task, read the documentation of laravel, suggesting to use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schedule . console.php <?php use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Artisan; \Illuminate\...
Back Ismoil's user avatar
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Node.js cron task. Multiprocessing or parallel?

There is a MongoDB with 100k records and there is a cron task (using the node-cron module) that runs every hour to process these 100k records. The processing itself takes one hour. Could you advise on ...
Takezo4's user avatar
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I would like to Create a (cron) schedule in Databricks that runs a job on Wednesday after the first Monday of a month

I need a Databricks job to run on Wednesday after the first Monday of a month. Or the same: two days after the first Monday. I found that Cron for the first Wednesday of a month 0 30 6 ? * 4#1 but ...
Sebastian 's user avatar
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Halide CUDA sample app gives strange run times

I have some familiarity with Halide and am starting to learn to use CUDA with it. To start with I ran the halide cuda_mat_mul that comes with Halide source code. I got some reasonable if unimpressive ...
Cordovan's user avatar
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How to run the aioschedule in multiple threads

import asyncio import time import aioschedule from datetime import datetime async def work_1(): print('work1', await asyncio.sleep(30) async def work_2(): print('...
Tacco's user avatar
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Creating a frequency schedule that updates dynamically based on start date & cadence

I'm looking to create a frequency schedule that highlights when each activity should be performed throughout the year based on the dropdown cadence (daily, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually) and the ...
Brian Parker's user avatar
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How to optimize apscheduler for parallel processing with ThreadPoolExecutor and ProcessPoolExecutor

I'm using apscheduler to run several robot tasks in parallel, but I'm experiencing inconsistent performance. Initially, tasks process quickly, but they slow down over time. I need to process 5,000 ...
Luana Nitsche's user avatar
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Halide scheduling issue for Func used in 2 places

I'm a beginner in Halide and got an error in a ~1000 line Halide program. I've reduced it to minimal size: #include "Halide.h" namespace { using namespace Halide; Var x("x"), y(&...
Cordovan's user avatar
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CronJob Kubernets(v1.29.4): Automatic Trigger of CronJob after settings change [closed]

I'm currently facing an issue using helm. I've written a value template that contains a CroneJob, as follows: ... custom_pipeline: schedule: "0 21 * * *" steps: - name: test-cj ...
Fabio Bove's user avatar
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Daily schedule - 'concatenating' multi-time periods into one block

I am working (in SQL Server 2016) on dental schedules, and by using LEAD (over PARTITION ... I can produce data of this format: Chair Date StartTime EndTime Blocked Booked Session Cent 1 2025-03-03 ...
Melaleuca99's user avatar
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Laravel queue worker stopped due to long-running job

I am facing an issue in my laravel (v-8) application. There are 10+ jobs to generate Excel files and send them to different email addresses. Everything works fine, but only one job is taking too long ...
Shah Alam's user avatar
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How to use a calender system to prevent participants using the same date & time arrangement?

I am not sure if what I am trying to do is possible through REDCap (but I am also a newbie), but here is the pickle: We are trying to implement a calendar system to block certain dates from being ...
Masal Gezici's user avatar
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Cron Job / Schedule Command in Laravel

I am trying to make a command run at a specific time, using cronjobs with Laravel, the command I created is as follows: $schedule->command('test:message')->timezone('Asia/Kolkata')->dailyAt('...
milind prajapati's user avatar
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Resources Schedule Optimisation

Here is my problem: There are N tennis players in the bucket They play matches every week Each player has its list of possible opponents from the bucket Each player specifies: Times when can play ...
Darko Vukoje's user avatar

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