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Cannot run Flyte binary on microk8s Homelab

I installed microk8s on my homelab machine (Ubuntu 22.04) and now I try to get Flyte running. I followed the "flyte-the-hard-way" tutorial and I have Postgres database and MinIO storage ...
Brandli's user avatar
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how to enable session affinity in this setup

I'm looking for ideas and knowledge to understand options better to enable session affinity for my service. Here are the details (simplified): Everything is running in Kubenettes cluster (GKE). ...
Shawn Cao's user avatar
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kubectl TLC handshake timeout

I'm on a Mac machine with Apple M3 Pro. I am having this error Unable to connect to the server: net/http: TLS handshake timeout every now and then I used kubectl command. It happens more often after I ...
Frank Wu's user avatar
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How to access K8s pods through external IP?

I deployed my django app in kubernetes, and then created a service of LoadBalancer type to expose it. This is the deployment yaml file (I changed the actual image name to <my_image>): apiVersion:...
Moon's user avatar
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Azure AKS - Single app using all connections [closed]

We had an issue with our cluster resulting in outage due to failing outgoing connections. The symptoms we were seeing were that a large portion of outgoing connections (connections to SQL server, ...
Morten Schmidt's user avatar
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Empty string in container env value [closed]

I edit the env of a container definition as below. env: - name: STAGE value: '' - name: PORT value: '1069' But when I query the pod using @kubernetes/client-node, the value and valueFrom ...
陳智圓's user avatar
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Can't expose Airflow UI with Classic Load Balancer

I have an airflow helm release running on EKS cluster NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE LABELS pod/airflow-postgresql-0 1/1 Running ...
Konstantin's user avatar
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kubernetes on fedora 40, postgresql error [closed]

apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: postgres-deployment labels: app: postgres spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: postgres template: metadata: ...
Kypdk's user avatar
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How to create kubernetes generic secret without base64 encoding?

for example I'm creating a kubernetes generic secret using following: kubectl create secret generic passwords \ --from-literal=TestUser='mypass' -n mynamespace And I will get the following secret: # ...
TheDayAfterDark's user avatar
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Preserve client IP address from OVH load balancer [closed]

Goal Set up preserved client addresses with the Istio controller. What's Wrong with the OVH Tutorial: I followed OVH's guide to preserve client IP addresses. However, it didn't solve the issue. OVH ...
Ileo's user avatar
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GKE unable to connect to the server: dial tcp server_ip: i/o timeout

Every time I run a command in the kubernetes cluster I get the following error message: unable to connect to the server: dial tcp server_ip: i/o timeout I've already followed the step by step to try ...
Pedro Henrique's user avatar
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How can enable passing idToken to the underlying apiService in kubeAPI?

My kubeAPI is using OIDC and I've enabled username and group claims. I created a Kubernetes APIService under KubeAPI aggregation. I need to decode the idToken and use its data. but KubeAPI only sends ...
Vahid Alimohamadi's user avatar
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storage provisioner pod restarts due to Failed to update lock: [closed]

storage provision pod restarts when every copy the files from non PV path in the pod to pv path location error in the storage pod [![enter image description here][1]][1] E0715 19:02:34.047510 1 ...
sandeep's user avatar
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How to access Hashicorp Vault secrets from AKS using pod workload Identity (pod managed identity)

I want to integrate my AKS cluster so it can fetch secrets from Hashicorp vault using the Azure authentication method in vault (pod workload ID). I know that different solutions exist but I can't find ...
Louey's user avatar
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How to send application tracing data to OpenTelemetry in Kubernetes?

I added open-telemetry helm chart helm repo add open-telemetry Install opentelemery operator helm install opentelemetry-operator open-...
Alpin Cleopatra's user avatar
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DNS resolution does not work in K8s pod with CoreDNS service IP but works with CoreDNS pod IP [closed]

I have a single node K8s cluster running on a Ubuntu 22.04 machine, and I launched the cluster from K8s source code with the following command: sudo CGROUP_DRIVER=systemd KUBELET_RESOLV_CONF=/run/...
Eric's user avatar
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Does nodeSelector field override taints set on a node?

I'm trying to understand how nodeSelector and taints work together in Kubernetes. Specifically, I want to know if using nodeSelector in a pod specification can override the taints on a node, allowing ...
Syed Ilhan's user avatar
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deployment.yaml: error parsing uri: scheme must be "mongodb" or "mongodb+srv"

I am trying to run an application on my EKS cluster. The Kubernetes cluster is supposed to access an AWS EC2 instance with Mongodb installed on there. I've applied both a service.yaml file and ...
user14682208's user avatar
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Minikube not getting started after being installled on windows 11 after installation of docker,kubectl

C:\Windows\System32>minikube start W0719 09:32:32.201445 13512 main.go:291] Unable to resolve the current Docker CLI context "default": context "default": context not found: ...
Pratik Khose's user avatar
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Converting Memory Output from Ki to MB with JSON Path Query Output

I am running the below query to get two outputs across two columns : Name Memory But the memory output is shown in Ki. I would like to convert the output of the node memory into MB when it is ...
Pallab's user avatar
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Pods not Starting after applying istio-enabled label [closed]

I am following Istio Installation for installing istio on a 2 node Kubernetes Cluster. I see no error and all looks good when issuing istioctl verify-install . Then i label the default namespace ...
Dinesh's user avatar
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Spring Cloud Gateway with Kubernetes discovery client for http and grpc requests

I'm trying to implement gateway service using Spring Cloud Gateway with k8s client dicovery that will redirect both http/1.1 and http/2(GRPC) requests I set the following configurations: server: ...
Lior Derei's user avatar
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How to tell Tilt to identify a deployment / service created by an existing pod?

In my Tiltfile, I create a frontend and backend deployment, with a service for each one. I also configure the images used in each deployment to synchronize live updates: # Identify deployment and ...
Rushil Joshi's user avatar
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Fluent bit adds slash into kubernetes log when sending it to elasticsearch [closed]

This is my configmap file for fluent. apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: fluent-bit-config namespace: logging labels: k8s-app: f-bit-pod data: Configuration files: server, input, filters ...
Trusha Mehta's user avatar
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Airflow pods wil only run on one k8s node (probably not an affinity issue)

I am running Airflow (deployed via Helm chart) using the KubernetesExecutor on a microk8s cluster that's also runnig Ceph. We have 4 nodes. A control node and three identical data/processing nodes. I ...
einarhg's user avatar
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Pod recycle /restarting causes Network error

Once the Pod gets to the limit the new pod starts. But it takes so long that requests start to timeout whilst waiting to be serviced so when the pod 2 (new pod) gets request it throws error as it ...
sancia dsouza's user avatar
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Error when adding volumeTemplates to nodeSet, Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes (ECK) on DigitalOcean

I was following the ECK installation guide on Elastic site I am applying this to DigitalOceans managed Kubernetes ...
Kristian Johansson's user avatar
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Solace with EKS

soalce I'm using an event-driven architecture for a microservice project, deploying all microservices and Solace in my EKS cluster. I'm accessing APIs via an ALB and Solace via an NLB as per the ...
Jay Mehta's user avatar
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Kubernetes Endpoint & Service

I have a question, when we provide static Endpoints for the Service, is targetPort ignored ? As we can see below, endpoint listens on port 10235 and in Service targetPort I specified port 80. It works ...
Xavier123's user avatar
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Helm template access dependency's values

In a helm chart, I want to access one of the dependencies' values in my parent chart. apiVersion: v2 name: hajhosein-kube-prom description: A Helm chart for Kubernetes # The version of the parent ...
Hosein abootaleb's user avatar
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cAdvisor reports high WSS, but low RSS and cache memory usage

I observed the following cAdvisor memory metrics for a container deployed in Kubernetes Service on Azure and am struggling to come up with an explanation. It's a .NET 6 program running in the ...
scharnyw's user avatar
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With Ignite 2.16.0, Failed to retrieve Ignite pods IP addresses

I am trying to run ignite in kubernetes env with the following configuration. Cluster-role.yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: ignite namespace: ignite --- apiVersion: rbac....
snanduri's user avatar
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Jenkins on EKS, mount EFS in DIND

I am running Jenkins master and agents on K8S. Some of CI workloads require a docker image to be build and pushed to ECR. I installed Jenkins using its Helm chart and running the DIND agent as a ...
Doug's user avatar
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ClusterAutoscaler on EKS

Has anyone deployed Cluster autoscaler on EKS With multiple nodegroups? I want the nodegroups to be individually configurable so I am using
karthick's user avatar
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How can I capture exceptions thrown by a Java application within Airflow's on_failure_callback?

I am using Airflow to run KubernetesPodOperator tasks that run java application image. The java application use beam dataflow. My custom airflow operators inherit KubernetesPodOperator. I am trying to ...
Maria Dorohin's user avatar
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how to remove encoding and use rewrite annotations [closed]

i have an issue where we are using rewrite annotations and its encoding the URI example - im calling from postman --> at ...
user16975013's user avatar
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Long image rendering time when using Grafana image renderer plugin [closed]

The following configuration is available: Grafana and Grafana Image Renderer are installed as separate pods in the same k8s namespace, Grafana has access via Service to the Grafana image renderer pod, ...
Flex1sh's user avatar
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Access service on host from pod on minikube

I'm trying to follow this guide: But host.minikube.internal from my pod solve to that is obviously not the ip that I need to reach a ...
Fi3's user avatar
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ArgoCD Default and overwrite source path

I am trying ArgoCD product as a solution for Kubernetes Infra installation (RBACs, Namespaces and third party charts) I want to use the main branch on my repo and it will contains a path that look ...
zxar zxar's user avatar
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Using Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDNs) for Service IDs in Kubernetes with Spring Cloud Kubernetes

I'm currently working on a project where I need to interact with services that have the same name but exist across different namespaces in Kubernetes. Each namespace hosts a service with a unique REST ...
Tarun Bharti's user avatar
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Post curl request in Deployment kind lifecyclehook in deployment yaml file with Openshift upgrade to 4.14

As by OpenShift 4.14, DeploymentConfig is getting deprecated and we need to use kind:Deployment Previous we use something like this for sending notification for deployment: kind: DeploymentConfig ...
Ananthram J's user avatar
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How to configure permissions for NFS to display files in a folder properly? [closed]

Using NFS as storage, after deploying MySQL in K8S environment, NFS cannot display the contents of MySQL folders. Without manually modifying the NFS folder permissions, can the files under the ...
刘兆波's user avatar
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Issue with 502 Bad Gateway on EKS with ALB Ingress

I have created an EKS cluster in AWS, where I am trying to deploy a service. So far, I have set up a Deployment, a Service (NodePort), and an Ingress that creates an Application Load Balancer (ALB). I ...
Gonza-B's user avatar
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How to create ConfigMap yaml manifest for Azure Kubernetes using shell or PowerShell script?

I have requirement to create yaml file which can be used to create configmap in kubernetes. I have 3 xml files which are need to be imported in template yaml file. YAML Template: apiVersion: v1 data: ...
New Progrommer's user avatar
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Kubernetes no longer starts after restarting the host system - failed to load kubelet config file [closed]

Kubernetes runs on a proxmox vm. After I changed the CPU type from “kvm64” to “host” and restarted the host system, kubernetes no longer works. I then checked if kubelet was running: sudo systemctl ...
j.w.'s user avatar
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Gcs fuse with google buckets - Too many open files error with java app

I have a java spring boot application deployed as kubernetes application in GCP. I use GCS fuse to access Google Cloud Storage buckets with the Cloud Storage FUSE CSI driver because it allows me to ...
Salim Hamidi's user avatar
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How to duplicate a specific object in a specific overlay from base with kustomize?

I have a base and two overlays: dev and prod, and all objects(Deployments, StatefulSets, Services etc.) defined in base layer are inherited in the two overlays. However, for some technical reason, I'd ...
Kelvin Hu's user avatar
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Can I know which version of K8s multi-version api is applied

I'm the owner of a CRD that defines an API. Given current API is, I want to make a significant behavior change to the API, so I create a, the element in the api is completely the ...
Richard chen's user avatar
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Identity Web Application Times Out K8 Cluster

I have the following setup: 6 (tiny) APIs using .NetCore 8 Deployed onto a k8 cluster on Digital Ocean Use Dapr for messaging between the APIs (this creates a sidecar for each API service) There is ...
matt sharp's user avatar
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Testkube helm deploy - setting artefact retention on minio to X last?

Hi is there a way to set up retention on testkube to only save few recent one? I am creating test with playwright, and with option to record video, they pretty quickly eat up space on pvc. I checked ...
Misieq's user avatar
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