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4 answers

Kubernetes Autoscaling not recognizing Heapster

I have a kubernetes cluster that I'm trying to build from scratch without using their build scripts. Pretty much everything is working except for autoscaling. For some reason the control-manager can't ...
Mike's user avatar
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14 votes
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Multipass VM not reachable via specific http ports from host

I'm running an Ubuntu VM with multipass hyperkit do run microk8s. Within the VM all things checkout and available with skaffold/kubectl port forwarding. For instance: $ multipass list Name ...
a11hard's user avatar
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C# .NET 6 - simple SQL query to read one single (large) record takes forever when run is K8S pod, instantaneous when run in IIS

I have a simple table in SQL Server: CREATE TABLE [dbo].[MyTable] ( [Ticket] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL, [UserID] [int] NOT NULL, [Progress] [int] NOT NULL, [Created] [datetime2](7) ...
Cristiano Ghersi's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

Change platform for kubernetes when pulling image

I am using an Apple M1, writing a Kubernetes YAML file to pull and deploy the image confluentinc/cp-zookeeper:6.2.4 the problem is, I cannot pull the image due to the difference in CPU architecture ...
Wibu's user avatar
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How to configure Apache Tika in a kube environment to obtain maximum throughput when parsing a massive number of documents?

I am attempting to Tika parse dozens of millions of office documents. Pdfs, docs, excels, xmls, etc. Wide assortment of types. Throughput is very important. I need to be able parse these files in a ...
Nicholas DiPiazza's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Istio Distributed Tracing shows just 1 span

I'm following this guide, with Zipkin. I have 3 microservices involed, A -> B -> C, I'm propagating headers from A to B and from B to C. But in the Zipkin dashboard I only see entries for A ->...
andrew's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

How can I get CoreDNS to resolve on my Raspberry Pi Kubernetes cluster?

I've followed a number of online tutorials to set up a Kubernetes cluster on four Raspberry Pi 4s. I ended up using Flannel as the networking plugin as that seems to be the only one that actually ...
soapergem's user avatar
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How to define a service label for a kubernetes service running on GKE

I am creating a kubernetes cluster to host a service and added an internal load balancer to route traffic between my VM Instances and the kubernetes cluster. I want to add a service label to the load ...
RandomQuests's user avatar
10 votes
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Monitoring Kubernetes Pod Disk IOPS: is there any relevant exporter?

I have a bunch of statefulset applications notably Kafka Brokers, and Kafka Stream client application, including some DB, all deployed in Kubernetes. I would like to be able to build a grafana ...
MaatDeamon's user avatar
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Run glusterfs cluster using DaemonSet

I've been trying to run a glusterfs cluster on my kubernetes cluster using those: glusterfs-service.json { "kind": "Service", "apiVersion": "v1", "metadata": { "name": "glusterfs-cluster" ...
mastilver's user avatar
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2 answers

The metrics of kubectl top nodes is not correct?

I try to get CPU/Memory usage of the k8s Cluster Nodes via metrics-server API, but I found the returned values of metrics-server is lower than actual used CPU/Memory. The output of kubectl top ...
zulv's user avatar
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3 answers

K8s NodePort service is “unreachable by IP” only on 2/4 slaves in the cluster

I created a K8s cluster of 5 VMs (1 master and 4 slaves running Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS) using kubeadm. I used flannel to set up networking in the cluster. I was able to successfully deploy an application. ...
Vivek Sethi's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Airflow (kubernetes executor) - Scheduling skipped because DAG record was locked

Need some help in understanding the locking behavior around DagRun scheduling. We noticed that after a few DagRuns the subsequent runs are no longer getting scheduled and notice the following in the ...
user12294404's user avatar
9 votes
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How to find the root cause of spontaneous restarts of Puma Worker?

From time to time on my RoR API service I can see that requests are being interrupted in the middle of processing. Simply the Puma server stops processing the request and right after I can see message ...
OndrejK's user avatar
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Capture Kubernetes Spark driver and executor logs in S3 and view in History Server

I am running Spark 3.0.0 with Hadoop 2.7 on Kubernetes using spark-submit cli as following, ./spark-submit \ --master=k8s:// \ --deploy-mode cluster \ --name sparkle \ --...
Krishna Modi's user avatar

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