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Questions tagged [jsp]

JSP (Jakarta Server Pages, formerly JavaServer Pages) is a Java-based view technology running on the server machine which allows you to write template text in client side languages (like HTML, CSS, JavaScript and so on) and interact with backend Java code.

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JSP Page corrupting after closing and re-opening eclipse

This is the second time this has occurred for me. The first one I wasn't sure if I had saved or not before closing Eclipse but this one I'm sure I've saved before closing it. So, after saving and ...
ScatteredDream's user avatar
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java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyTagSupport

I have the following code in a JSP file for the tags which is included in all of my JSP files at the top: <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="bean"%> &...
Tan's user avatar
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Spring JSP pass object from list to post-endpoint

I have a spring-controller with a post-endpoint that receives a WordDto. Another get-endpoint puts a list of WordDtos in the ModelMap and shows a jsp-file. In the jsp-file, I show each entry of the ...
Fi0x's user avatar
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Error: Missing Type HttpServletRequest in Maven Project for File Upload

Question: I am working on a Maven project for a file upload servlet and encountered an issue. When I try to parse the request using ServletFileUpload, I get the following error: The method ...
HKS11's user avatar
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Java servlet path [closed]

I make a dynamic web project now. Because it was an exercise, I didn’t use the Maven project. I use Tomcat 10.1.25. webapp ├── html │ ├── index.html │ └── view.jsp ├── META-INF └── WEB-INF I ...
user23381600's user avatar
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Why is my JSP code with a switch expression not working?

I'm trying to run this JSP code but it doesn't work, I get HTTP Status 500. Why? Aren't switch expressions supported? I do not want to use a switch statement, so please do not tell me to use this old ...
Ignis's user avatar
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In a JSP file use a form to call a method in a java file to create and then download a a csv file for the user [duplicate]

Having a hard time figuring out how to get my JSP file to trigger a method in my java while using a form. The method sends a query to a db, I want to take the result set from that query and turn in ...
Someone's user avatar
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Jquery Datatable not working in the JSP file

<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%> <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="...
Raj Bura gohain's user avatar
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Error with login session/cache using Servlets and JSP

I don't know how to describe the problem very well technically, but I'm making an application using Servlets and JSP and I'm having a specific user authentication problem. When I log in as a user with ...
mmicr0_nzs's user avatar
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Escaping outputs by default? [duplicate]

We are using an MVC arch and using JSP for view. Our codebase is a bit old and not many people focused on using escapeXML or c:out tags in JSPs which is causing a lot of XSS vulnerabilities now. We ...
Shubhankar Kumar's user avatar
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How could I escape a value in custom JSP tag handler? [duplicate]

This is one of my field in one of my jsp file: <input class="form-input" id="login" type="text" name="login" <c:choose> <c:when test="${...
DoWhileFor's user avatar
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JSP redirection trough a servlet is not functioning as expected [duplicate]

Hey so i am running a program that when a cell on a board(on a jsp) is clicked, a servlet is launched, and that servlet can redirect to 1 of 2 jsp, my problem is that this redirection seems to not be ...
Letho123's user avatar
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get javascript table element in jsp [duplicate]

I'm using a jsp and I need to do something like this but it doesn't work, the elements of table doesn't show in my page and I tried to replace the extension of my jsp file into html and it works ...
Yaris Razafindramanana's user avatar
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jsp <c:forEach table not generating [duplicate]

This is how I populate table public List<String[]> listTable = new ArrayList(); String[] foundPost = {"name", "nickName", "datePost", "subject", "...
Geoffrey Hebert's user avatar
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Unable to use JSTL with embedded tomcat, returns Http Status Code 500 [duplicate]

"The absolute uri: cannot be resolved in either web.xml or the jar files deployed with this application" I've scoured the web for hours trying various ...
bitcash complex's user avatar
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How to send a redirect after generating a file download in Servlet

I'm developing a web page using Java Servlets and JSP. I have functionality where, depending on the received action (action), different operations are performed. However, I'm encountering an issue ...
Carlos Odette DLCL's user avatar
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Unable to compile class for JSP: The method prs(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest) in the type Htmlforms [duplicate]

I upgraded from Apache Tomcat 9 to 10, but when I uploaded my project (developed a few years ago) I got the following error An error occurred at line: [9] in the jsp file: [/index.jsp] The method prs(...
Sandy998's user avatar
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404 error when redirecting to Servlet from a html page [duplicate]

So I'm trying to create a WebApp on InteliJ Ultimate about a telecom website and I wanna get familiar with servlets but i can't get them to work properly <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head>...
Tetoros21Bill's user avatar
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Controller unable to pass model values to View page [duplicate]

My viewEmployees method in Controller @Autowired private EmployeeDao employeeDao; @GetMapping("/employees") public String viewEmployees(Model model) { ...
Yogesh Pandey's user avatar
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How to put files to out/artifacts the JSP file is not generated

How to put files to out/artifacts the JSP file is not generated. Project structure: The JSP file shown in the figure is not generated. I can only put manually copied files into the out/artifacts ...
FLX's user avatar
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I want to send data using ajax when the value comes out in jsp

The value comes out from jsp. However, I don't know how to send the value as ajax data. I tried to print the jsp value and change it, but it failed. What should I do? What should I put in the data in ...
seullbee Lee's user avatar
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Can't use external css styling with jsp [duplicate]

I'm just trying to learn servlets and using JSP files. I would like to do the format of the start page (/login page) with external css file but I didn't manage to do that. It works with internal css ...
DoWhileFor's user avatar
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when user login the system,if he hasn't operated a long time,how to logout the system and skip to login page

I want to achieve this function:when user login the system,if he hasn't operated a long time,how to logout the system and skip to login page? I use a filter class which implements Filter,and when ...
rain-sh's user avatar
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How to display data from Maria DB in a jsp file

I want to put data values ​​from db into employee class and then display all values ​​in jsp file. However, an error continues to occur saying that the list is empty. package employee; ...
ekgus's user avatar
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No 'OLE' editor registered against the type of file you were trying to open

In Spring Tool Suite 4, when I try to open a '.jsp' file, it is not showing the syntax highlight. I tried to open the '.jsp' file as 'Open With' -> 'In-Place Editor', I get the following Error. ...
Shankar Raj's user avatar
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Checkmarks issue in JSP [duplicate]

Check marks is flagging cross site scripting issue in the below code. can you please help me in resolving the issue. Code in JSP: <a href="javascript:getData('${sta.Date}','${sta.EndDate}');&...
Vishnu's user avatar
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Checkmark flagging an issue with Crosssite scripting [duplicate]

Checkmark is flagging a cross site scripting issue in JSP. This is the issue checkmark displaying: The method "javascript:getdata() embeds untrusted data in generated output with BinaryExpr, at ...
Vishnu's user avatar
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JSP page unable to get attribute from a Servlet with and without .getSession

I have a web app that must get the city name and, by an API request, it should give the foirecast for that city. But in the JSP file I am not able to get a variable with getAttribute from the ...
Ghost's user avatar
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Getting java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/servlet/jsp/tagext/TagLibraryValidator in my Java Web Application project [duplicate]

I'm working on a Java web application and I'm encountering the following exception when I try to deploy my project: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagLibraryValidator at ...
shivam sharma's user avatar
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get client's machine name from weblogic JSP page [duplicate]

I have uploaded JSP page on WebLogic server to retrieve client machine name but it returns WebLogic server host name, I have used Host Name:<%=request.getRemoteHost()%>. I have to retrieve ...
Ramesh Turi's user avatar

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