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Spring JSP pass object from list to post-endpoint

I have a spring-controller with a post-endpoint that receives a WordDto. Another get-endpoint puts a list of WordDtos in the ModelMap and shows a jsp-file. In the jsp-file, I show each entry of the ...
Fi0x's user avatar
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Getting java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/servlet/jsp/tagext/TagLibraryValidator in my Java Web Application project [duplicate]

I'm working on a Java web application and I'm encountering the following exception when I try to deploy my project: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagLibraryValidator at ...
shivam sharma's user avatar
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3 answers

How to put Java code in JSP file with SpringBoot?

I got this error after I put this code on my index.jsp file The code : <body> <h1>Student</h1> <p> Status Connection : ${connStatus == "Connected" ? &...
lilkm's user avatar
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java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.jsp.WEB_002dINF.jsp.ImportTab_jsp

We are getting below exception 2024-03-13 11:42:00,723 ERROR | Servlet.service() for servlet [dispatcherServlet] in context with path [] threw exception [java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache....
Subodh Joshi's user avatar
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How to connect css and javascript in a .jsp file

I am having trouble connecting an external css and javascript file to its jsp. I tried doing the WebConfig as I read on google but I realised that my jsp files' path are done via application....
vaulted xx's user avatar
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Is it possible for the thymeleaf template and jsp pages to coexist in a Spring application?

I created a project called SpringJsp in STS 4 (Spring Boot version 3.2.2) in which I inserted the following dependency in the pom.xml file: <dependency> <groupId>org.apache....
Andrew dev's user avatar
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Spring Boot 404 when running in AWS Elastic Beanstalk environment

I am building my first Spring Boot web application and have deployed it to AWS using elastic beanstalk. I have confirmed that the application loads and runs correctly in my local machine and am ...
Daniel Juarez's user avatar
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Why are none of the API's in controller working?

I am a beginner to Spring Boot. Here is my controller @Controller public class StudentController { @Autowired StudentService studentService; @GetMapping("/") public ModelAndView ...
Linisha's user avatar
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2 answers

Why JSP recompilation needs some time interval?

I'm using JSP (please do not mention Thymeleaf...) in spring boot 3.2.0 on M1 Mac, and I found that if I consecutively update the samea JSP file, the recompilation doesn't happen right away and the ...
akai's user avatar
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Jsp file not found

I have to get the view of my jsp file using the url i have created. after resolving all recommended steps like adding tomcat embed dependency in my pom.xml file on my Spring Boot project. I'm still ...
Kowshika's user avatar
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Why my javascript doesn't load into Spring Boot [duplicate]

I am currently working on a Java Spring boot project, everything is worked but excepted the JavaScript code. Here is the JS code: function handleFormSubmission(event) { event.preventDefault(); ...
Lmao's user avatar
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Spring mvc redirect from one controller to another works but another controller don't open page

The problem is following. I have one controller-class with post-method that redirect to another controller-class with get-method. In debugging mode i step into post-method then it redirect to get-...
shurikin's user avatar
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Deployed war file not working in external tomcat 10: unable to start web server in deploying war file in webapps folder

Deployed war file not working in external tomcat 10 It's just a simple test with jsp page and spring boot Software: Eclispe IDE (ultima versione) Java 17 Tomcat 10 SpringBoot 3.1 Maven Details -0....
Andrea's user avatar
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JSP is not rendering on Spring Boot version 2.7.15

I have a Spring Boot application running on Java 17 with packaging type war, but it does not render the jsp pages. Here is my pom.xml file regarding spring dependencies: <dependency> ...
Lia's user avatar
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Why did JSP file is not loading in springboot?

I was making a basic springboot project in which from controller I am calling jsp file to display but it is not showing and it is giving me error. This application has no explicit mapping for /error, ...
Lakshay Kumar's user avatar

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