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Controller unable to pass model values to View page [duplicate]

My viewEmployees method in Controller @Autowired private EmployeeDao employeeDao; @GetMapping("/employees") public String viewEmployees(Model model) { ...
Yogesh Pandey's user avatar
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No 'OLE' editor registered against the type of file you were trying to open

In Spring Tool Suite 4, when I try to open a '.jsp' file, it is not showing the syntax highlight. I tried to open the '.jsp' file as 'Open With' -> 'In-Place Editor', I get the following Error. ...
Shankar Raj's user avatar
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Spring MVC with Tomcat renders only index.jsp

The problem is that when i run my app with Tomcat it shows only index.jsp in browser. But controllers don't work. Here's my web.xml file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&...
prok05's user avatar
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Request mapping on class and method both creating issue on returning view name from controller

i am working on spring mvc where i put mapping on controller class and also on method see the code below: controller code: @Controller @RequestMapping("/role") public class RoleController { ...
Rtech tricks's user avatar
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Why ${message} appear as it is in View and not the real message passed in Spring MVC controller [duplicate]

I'm trying to learn Spring MVC and encountered an issue. Please see the attached code. I'm not getting the real message on View and instead ${message} on View. What could be the issue here? This is ...
Deepthi's user avatar
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Whitelabel Error Page This application has no explicit mapping for /error. While Making a GET Request using Spring MVC

I am attempting to construct a simple web page and making a GET Request using Spring MVC, and I have encountered this issue. Whitelabel Error Page This application has no explicit mapping for /error,...
Gangadhar s's user avatar
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Dropdown value not persisting after saving in Spring MVC

Question: I am working on a Spring MVC application where I have encountered an issue with dropdown values not persisting after saving a form. Below is a simplified version of the code along with some ...
nutan's user avatar
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Why JSP recompilation needs some time interval?

I'm using JSP (please do not mention Thymeleaf...) in spring boot 3.2.0 on M1 Mac, and I found that if I consecutively update the samea JSP file, the recompilation doesn't happen right away and the ...
akai's user avatar
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org.apache.jasper.JasperException: org.apache.jasper.JasperException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.jsp.WEB_002dINF.jsp.login_jsp [duplicate]

enter image description hereenter image description here I've followed all the troubleshooting steps suggested on Stack Overflow, including comparing project settings, verifying library versions, ...
Parag's user avatar
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Using jakarta instead of javax gives the error javax.servlet.jsp cannot be resolved to a type when using ${pageContext.response.locale} in JSP

Recently I started migrating my Spring Framework MVC project to Tomcat 10 and Jakarta and while doing this I am stuck with 1 strange error. In my JSP file I usually had the following code: <%@ ...
MTurPash's user avatar
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Form submission is not accepting parameters

I have a form that contains a file input field and 2 buttons with name="action" and values as 'sign' and 'verify' respectively. I am trying to get that file and parameter of buttons upon ...
Ashok kumar's user avatar
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Inadequate cookie attributes in spring application

In spring MVC application the cookie attribute- path is set to root(/) and should be configured with the cookie attribute path to a specific domain path. In web.xml file made the below changes. But ...
SYED WASEEM AHMED's user avatar
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Spring mvc redirect from one controller to another works but another controller don't open page

The problem is following. I have one controller-class with post-method that redirect to another controller-class with get-method. In debugging mode i step into post-method then it redirect to get-...
shurikin's user avatar
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Spring MVC Java why are extra request params being added to my url?

I have a website, called I have a form which looks like this: <form:form method="get" id="profileForm" modelAttribute="profile" onsubmit="...
sebbington's user avatar
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JSP is not rendering on Spring Boot version 2.7.15

I have a Spring Boot application running on Java 17 with packaging type war, but it does not render the jsp pages. Here is my pom.xml file regarding spring dependencies: <dependency> ...
Lia's user avatar
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