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How to add pulsating and hover effects to a detailed svg in css?

This is a react component in which i have these detailed and beautiful svg. import "./App.css"; import logo from "./assets/image_1711723636308_ynt4tg.svg"; function App() { ...
Siddhant Chakraborty's user avatar
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CSS hover doesn't work (due to pseudo-elements)? [duplicate]

I am fiddling around with SVG and CSS-effects in order to achieve a look similar to the game "limbo". The grain and tiltshift effects work as expected, but I cannot trigger the hover-...
train_lviv_19's user avatar
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how to change the SVG color on hover in react js [duplicate]

I try to change the svg color when i hover the icon ,,, first i just try to change the collor but it not work import img1 from "../../../assets/specialities/specialities-01.svg"; < div ...
Rubayet Hasan Yasin's user avatar
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CSS SVG on hover causes cursor bug

I'm trying to make the cursor change to a pointer while hovering over SVG's on my website. But for some reason when I jump between them the cursor looks very weird. Any ideas what might be causing ...
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How can I change one svg path ID element when hovering over another element

I assigned SVG path elements with an ID property and named them opacity-1n and opacity-1e. I want to hover the mouse over opacity-1n, then opacity-1e will appear. <g id="Layer_1"> <...
sempre83's user avatar
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Run animation again on hover

I created an anim I would like to run the animation again on hover. .circle1 { fill: none; stroke: #000; stroke-width: 5px; stroke-dasharray: 345; ...
istvan weisz's user avatar
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What is the correct way to create a hover effect for and svg in an <img> tag?

What is the correct way to add a hover effect for an SVG that is embedded in an ing tag? Can this purely be achieved by CSS? If not, what is the correct HTML semantic way to embed SVG icons with hover ...
Tanooki Mario's user avatar
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Title HTML elements appended to an SVG path via JS not showing

I am trying to add a title to an SVG path as per documentation here If I add it normally, on hover it's showing as expected. <path id=&...
yano1978's user avatar
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5 answers

SVG: Change fill color on hover with JS

I am having troubles changing the color of a specific element in a SVG on hover. I need to do that in JS and not CSS. The element as a class "col_05" and I would need that on hover on that ...
kemad's user avatar
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SVG box-shadow shows cut on hover in Safari

Safari is displaying box-shadow cut when hovering SVGs. I assume this is a Safari only bug, as it renders fine on every other browser (Chromium based & Firefox). If I apply the shadow to the ...
Syden's user avatar
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Some SVG are not taking transition on :hover

My footer includes several SVG codes, some of them are from FontAwesome and some of them were converted to SVG path in AI. The issue I'm facing is that the SVG codes converted in AI are not taking any ...
Adam's user avatar
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Change svg file color on hover [duplicate]

I'm working on a frontendmentor challenge, and it came with a few svg files to use in the footer, and the last thing I need to do is make those svgs change color when you hover over them. Typically, I'...
blkhwks19's user avatar
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Firefox hover effect on SVG image element not working

Attempting to make an interactive SVG map. When one of the image elements is hovered over it should increase in size from 20px to 50px. Here is an example of what I'm trying to do: <svg xmlns="...
Random-citizen's user avatar
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How to display svg title content like an list rather than in straight line

I am creating discrete legend using SVG, where I am appending title to the rect to show content on hover but the content of title is displayed in straight line, which I want to come one after the ...
Eric's user avatar
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6 answers

Detect a click on a SVG line even at a distance of 3 pixels

Here is how I detect clicks on SVG lines: window.onmousedown = (e) => { if ( == 'line') { alert(); // do something with } } svg line:hover { cursor: ...
Basj's user avatar
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How to append hover on the svg in react component

Currently I have legend, which display the text below the rect but I want the text to appear only when I hover over the rect. I tried using mouseover and css hover but nothing seems to work. Also ...
Eric's user avatar
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How to make an Scale from the center while hovering using framer motion

below i got an svg icon that scale up in size while hovering but it doesnt seem to scale from the center , how i can fix that? appreciate your feedback <motion.svg xmlns="http://...
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SVG popup doesn't cover background text

When I hover over a graph or point on a graph, a modal window appears, but this window does not overlap the text below it and it overlaps one another Code of SVG popup <g class="highcharts-...
wake's user avatar
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How can I check for hovers on SVG elements and play transitions on another Svg element?

I have an svg element in my html file, for which I am very easily making hover animations for. But I have an SVG elements with various parts inside it. I want to check the :hover event on the parent ...
Kazabite Boltiz's user avatar
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hover over div updates display in spots or intermittently

I’m attempting to implement a hover to display effect for a header. I’ve assigned the :hover selector to a div with width 99% and height 10vh that should be contiguous with the header. The display ...
Rip's user avatar
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Use transform with scale and translate together on a svg path

I've read several threads on this topic and maybe there are some answers out there. Whether I didn't understand it or it just doesn't suit my problem this is my question: I have a path (inside a SVG) ...
Jony's user avatar
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SVG rect resizing on hover

I'm trying to change the height of rectangles in my svg on hover. I can't for the life of me figure this out and I'd love some help. This is a very simple version of the SVG <?xml version="1....
Nathan Taylor's user avatar
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How to I get the hover to only hover over an SVG file and not the empty space beside it?

I have a triangle shaped SVG file that I'm trying to make change colors when hovered over, as well as be a clickable link. When I hover over it, it does exactly that, however since it is not a ...
Derek R's user avatar
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Change stroke colour on svg in html

I'm at a complete loss with this. I am trying to create an svg for Formula 1 tracks which highlights the various sectors of the track when the mouse hovers over. I have the sectors separated in the ...
Nathan Taylor's user avatar
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SVG Color Change on Hover Effect

svg are somewhat tricky. I have some social icons with svg code and when I tried to color change on hover effect, it didn't want to change the color. My svg code looked like this. <svg aria-hidden=&...
rosa's user avatar
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How to apply hover to only the X not the circle

How would I be able to apply the hover transition to only the X and not the circle? How would that be done in the code? Only the X should change color on hover, not the ...
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How to change svg fill on hover

I'm trying to get the hover to work on the X Close Button. The hover works stand alone, by itself: Seen Here: And in the snippet I provided. When I place it in my code it ...
user avatar
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How to make white space hoverable?

When the mouse is hovered over the white space in-between the X hover is not working. How is that fixed so that hovering over the white space causes the svg to change to green?
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Styled Components: Hover works on react-icons but not custom svg icons

I am trying to create a hover effect on a svg icon using Styled Components. I get the result I want when using a svg from the react-icons library, however the hover does not work for custom svgs that ...
Alex Nedop's user avatar
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How to add an SVG hover event for text on a rectangle?

I have an SVG with multiple rectangles which contain text. When hovering over a rectangle, I want to have a small shadow. Since one can't add text inside the rect element, I've added it after, which ...
AdelaN's user avatar
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How do I position an SVG?

I have an SVG in a navbar that's supposed to go to the right when hovered. The HTML and CSS is below: .logo { font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 1rem; text-align: ...
midnight0s's user avatar
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Trying to create a styled tooltip for an inline SVG

New to Js I am building an interactive pronunciation guide through an inline svg. You can view it here: I am currently trying to add basic styled tooltips which ...
Raphael Palma Gil's user avatar
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Change SVG fill color on hover isn't working

I am trying to change the color of an SVG image when hovering but it seems that I cannot make it work. Here's the code: .signup-icon { fill: #515151; } .signup-icon:hover { fill: #FFFFFF; } &...
Timothy Cohen's user avatar
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How to create a hover effect from an svg inside a svg border

I currently created a border in illustrator and I imported a diagram that is also a SVG to place inside of the SVG border using illustrator. So, I want to actually create hover effects from the ...
alphanumEric's user avatar
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Hover transform not removed when mouse leaves svg element, Safari only

I have a minimal piece of code that should result in a rectangle being transformed when hovering over it. It works fine on Chrome and Edge but Safari leaves the rectangle in its transformed state when ...
Paddy's user avatar
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Highlight values and save

I am using plotly to zoom my plots, save to svg and show most interesting intervals to customers. The thing I can't reach - I need to save picture with hover showing values. For example, I zoomed, I ...
Maxim's user avatar
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styling a hover statement in SVG

I'm planning a web 'menu' based on this SVG illustation: the principle of my idea; a circle styled as being active, a circle styled as hover and an accompanying stroke that also needs to be styled As ...
Jan Magnussen's user avatar
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Is there an easier way to hover transform: scale(); on svg rect? [duplicate]

I am currently playing around in a rather complicated SVG file. Im looking to make a fully interactive thermometer. Im trying to do a hover effect on multiple recs inside my svg file. For every ...
Jonas Bgelund's user avatar
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Is it possible to deactivate addeventlistener (mouseover/mouseout) on a specific condition in Javascript?

let currentColor = 0 function makeHover () { console.log(currentColor); svgAll.forEach(item => { item.addEventListener('mouseover', event => { ...
Julian Roma's user avatar
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having issues getting a circle to change colors using hover in d3

I have added some circles on a map and would like the circle to change from black to orange when hovering over it. I've tried two different approaches: css: circle: hover { fill: orange } with a ...
BuckeyeBoy15's user avatar
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How to overlay text on an SVG path element in React without using the coordinates of the path element?

I am attempting to create a global COVID-19 tracker for each country using React. In order to carve out individual countries and present them I have used an SVG element as shown: <svg xmlns=&...
RamanSB's user avatar
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SVG custom tooltip on hover following mouse movement

I'm tinkering here on JSFiddle. The issue faced is that onmouseleave the 3rd rect has the inscription left if any of the other rect are hovered. Can someone fix this? So that onmouseleave the tooltip ...
Liepājas Liedaga vidusskola's user avatar
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SVG element hovering to cause other SVG elements change

JSFiddle example. The idea is, hovering over the big rectangle scales it in addition causing the other two smaller rectangles to scale too. Not vica versa. HTML <svg xmlns="
Liepājas Liedaga vidusskola's user avatar
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SVG on hover not taking Transition

I am trying to animate a SVG where I need to change path of the svg. While I am hovering svg at that time path changes but the Transition on hover not working. I need to make a smooth transition on ...
Bhavik's user avatar
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Hover change color on SVG

In the code below, I'd like to have both eyes and eye brows change color on hover. I can get it to work if you hover on the left eye, but not the right eye. The right eye brow also has a weird fill on ...
mcadamsjustin's user avatar
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Infinite SVG animation smoothly retrieve initial state on hover

I would like my infinite svg animation to pause on its initial or final state when I hover it. I tried with JS to remove the class or in CSS to set animation-iteration-count: unset; on hover or set ...
Pisk's user avatar
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SVG Animation - CSS Hover Animation For SVG From The Center

I have done this effect in GSAP here is the Codepen as a reference: const svgs = document.querySelectorAll("svg"); svgs.forEach((svg) => { ...
Nine's user avatar
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SVG circle animation on hover doesn't work

Atm im trying to recreate the SVG circle animation when you hover over the navigation menu buttons as shown on this site: On my site the circle appears when refreshing and ...
Andreas Dahl Trankjær's user avatar
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How to change the color of a svg image on active?

I am importing the svg using the src attribute in img element. For instance: <img src="/images/home.svg" /> I have two kinds of home image. The home.svg which is used in normal ...
Petro Bianka's user avatar
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Hover animation 'slidedown' on the clipped path text-bottom is not working. Can you help me?

The text on the bottom of the logo has a clip-path and maybe because of that i can't trigger the hover animation. I've already changed the called classes of the elements and no effect. The animation ...
palm design's user avatar

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