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Questions tagged [cursor]

DO NOT USE. This tag is ambiguous. For database cursors (that let you traverse records), use the [database-cursor] tag. For mouse cursors (onscreen pointer to let you know where the mouse is), use [mouse-cursor]. For text-cursors (blinking vertical bar to let you know where text will be input), use [caret].

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manage of pointer in excel [closed]

in excel (Microsoft 365) in windows 11 when I click "select data" in chart I move to the beginning of range and stay there after exit. I didn't have such problem in mac and think that is ...
Sergey Loukoianov's user avatar
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Windows terminal cursor sometimes become strange

While using Windows, I frequently encounter the situation provided in the attached image. It looks somewhat auto-completion and the text cursor stands still until I complete typing a word. I think ...
Jisung Kim's user avatar
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TinyMCE: Cursor Does Not Move to Next Line After Inserting Content with <br> Tag Using mceInsertContent

I'm using TinyMCE for my rich text editor, and I'm performing clipboard operations to insert content into the editor using the mceInsertContent command. When I insert content that ends with a tag, ...
Vasanth Nag K V's user avatar
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How to fix cursor behaviour in custom TextField in Flutter?

I have created a custom TextField, where there need to be the following things: The possibility to pass a custom controller, so that when the user scans a barcode, I can update the text with the ...
Pandruz's user avatar
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Fetching data from cursor from Postgres stored procedure via ODBC in C

Thank you for your help in advance. I've got a simple SP in Postgres: CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE TEST_SP(INOUT _result_one refcursor = 'rs_resultone') LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN open _result_one ...
Radek Matras's user avatar
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Stored procedure is returning an empty result in Java with JPA

I'm trying to call a stored procedure in the same way I did for other stored procedure, but now I'm having some troubles because it returns a cursor in addition. The return is an empty Map<String, ...
Valentino Maurini's user avatar
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dbms_sql cursor_name as a parameter error

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fpp2(cur IN INTEGER) RETURN INTEGER IS rows_processed INTEGER; BEGIN dbms_output.PUT_LINE('cursor_fp2:' || cur); rows_processed := DBMS_SQL.EXECUTE(cur); ...
chestnutsJ's user avatar
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Custom JS cursor updates on hover - but not when auto-scrolling content moves beneath it when mouse is idle

I have a custom cursor effect that follows the real browser point around the page. When the mouse hovers over an element with a data-label value set, a class of .cursor-trail--hover is added and the ...
user1406440's user avatar
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Error occurred during update: ORA-01403: no data found when using update in forall in stored procedure in Oracle

Below is the stored procedure I have created. It is the "Create" stored procedure. I am getting error while updating the data. SET SERVEROUTPUT ON; CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE ...
Manoj Kumar Biroj's user avatar
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iSH on iPad stops with a hollow rectangle cursor

Using iSH on the IPad Pro M2 is fun, until the cursor turns to a hollow rectangle and I cannot type anything. The iSH simple controls disappear too. Something to do with my thumb touching the trackpad?...
wepev's user avatar
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SingleStore Procedure RowLock Issue

I have the SINGLESTORE stored procedure shown here which is going into rowlocks while inserting 8 million rows. Inserting 60k-80k, it runs fine. The error that I am receiving is below. I am not sure, ...
sunny's user avatar
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How to enter cursor as an input in procedure oracle [duplicate]

I want to create a procedure that uses cursor as an input in Oracle. I tried something like this: cursor cur is select * from table t1; and then also: create or replace procedure (I want to input ...
Bahy Mohamed's user avatar
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How can I use pyautogui so that even with 2 screens with different resolutions, a MoveTo puts me in the same place?

here's my code: import pyautogui screen_width, screen_height = pyautogui.size() def scale_positions(x, y, base_width=2560, base_height=1440): return int(x * screen_width / base_width), int(y * ...
A2V's user avatar
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Telerik overrides cursor handling of WPF?

I want to implement the default DragDrop feature of WPF. I created a Rectangle, and when I start a dragging from that, the cursor changes automatically based on the CursorEffect of the element under ...
Máté Brunner's user avatar
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how to put courses at the end of typed text quill focus

It is necessary that after the renderApp function is executed, the cursor should be at the end of the string import store from "../../store/store.js"; import context from "../../store/...
Nikolayko's user avatar

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