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Questions tagged [title]

**DO NOT USE THIS TAG.** In programming languages, title can refer to the title of a figure or the title of an object.

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Subscript title of figure which contain variable in matplotlib [duplicate]

I want to write title in python figure, which contain variable n=100. I want to write as $t_n=0.1$ (n is subscript). I try as follows: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt n=100 plt.figure() plt.title(f'$...
Ongky Denny Wijaya's user avatar
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1 answer

How to animate the title using FuncAnimation in Python?

import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation fig = plt.figure() axis = plt.axes(xlim=(-4, 4), ylim=(-3, 3)) line, = axis.plot([], [],'r+', lw=2) ...
Ongky Denny Wijaya's user avatar
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ADA Compliance - Can a Title be enclosed inside an H1 tag?

When it comes to ADA compliance is it bad practice to place my title tag inside an H1 tag in the header? Should they be separate tags? I placed this h1 tag in my header for example: <h1><...
Malstar's user avatar
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UIbutton - title label not align centre. iOS 17 Swift

I have a UIButton created in XIB and linked to my uiViewController. Its title label not align to centre. It's always align to left. When app running from Xcode , its correctly align centre. When App ...
Sujisha Os's user avatar
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Is there a way to automatically remove the "Sum of" of all data fields in Powerbi?

I am creating charts with different inputs. When I add them to the chart, Powerbi adds the "Sum of" automatically to all of them. I want it to just say the input name, and the only way I ...
Sadredin Mahmoudi's user avatar
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How to change automatic title in a plot obtained from the tseriesChaos library

I am using the routine* stplot* for the space-time separation plot from the *tseriesChaos *library for Analysis of Nonlinear Time Series. My problem is that the routine puts automatically the title. I ...
noreli's user avatar
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Apostrophe entered in the title tag as &#039; does not render on mobile version of any browser

I hope that this community can help me with the following query. The title of a website I look after has an apostrophe and this doesn't render on any browser in the MOBILE version ONLY. It actually ...
Manu's user avatar
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Title Supression in SAS ODS HTML Output

Basic SAS ODS title question - I'd like to have an overall document title for an ODS output. However, it always duplicates itself or suppresses the succeeding titles in the output. What is the proper ...
Jont's user avatar
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Wordpress: WORKING custom post list page with pagination throws a 404 TITLE in header

Let me start off by saying that it's NOT a 404 error issue. I have a custom PHP post list page (basically an archive page) that pulls contents correctly, with working numbered pagination, but when I ...
danyal's user avatar
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Excel VBA Macro Show / Hide Chart Title

Trying to hide Chart Title: With objChart.Chart .ChartArea.AutoScaleFont = False '1 .ChartType = xlColumnClustered '2 .SetSourceData Source:=myDataRange '3 .HasLegend = ...
user23636411's user avatar
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JavaScript anchor file download - override file name from Content-Disposition header

As mentioned in the title, I'm using JS, an anchor URL, and a download attribute to get a file from an external system. The problem is that I have to download it under a specific filename and the PDF ...
snowflake's user avatar
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Loop over a function that automatically generates a plot and store the plots in a single pdf file with a plot title in each page (R)

I'm working with a function - did_multiplegt - which automatically creates a plot. I want to loop over a set of outcomes Y, in which I: run the function with that outcome Y_1 save the regression ...
Maddalena's user avatar
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To Set Position for Chart Title without overlaying Chart using NPOI nuget Excel Package

ISheet chartSheet = workbook.CreateSheet("PieChart"); var headerCellStyle1 = workbook.CreateCellStyle(); var headerFont1 = workbook.CreateFont(); headerFont1.Boldweight = (short)...
Joe's user avatar
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How to add a colorbar title to a 3D surface image when using Plotly?

I have been trying to create a 3D surface plot using Plotly with Python3. I am drawing based on the official case, but the case does not explain how to add a title to the colorbar. I tried running the ...
Christine's user avatar
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Title Image is not centered in the Toolbar

I was playing with the Netflix Clone App that was in one of the Codenameone Tutorials. I noticed in the simulator, the "Netflix" image title was not centered as expected according to the ...
JoJoK's user avatar
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