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Questions tagged [getchar]

Anything related to C or C++ standard library functions `getchar` (C) or `std::getchar` (C++). These functions are used to read a single character from the standard input stream `stdin`.

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0 answers

Why does my printf function not work? Is my while loop not ending? [duplicate]

I am just trying to copy and paste the text input. After which the code must show done. #include <stdio.h> /*code to copy all input characters and paste it one by one*/ int main() { int c; ...
Suresh Karthik's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

getchar() taking stuff which I print using printf()

#include <stdio.h> int main() { int c; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { c = (getchar() != EOF); printf("%d\n", c); } printf("As we can see, the value of c is ...
Vedant Yadav's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Strange printf not working after a getchar and getchar skipping

I'm getting crazy with C. I'm programming with JavaScript, Ruby, Python, PHP, Lua, even Java... Recently, I tried to program a simple Read-Eval-Print-Loop in C. And I have a very strange behavior with ...
Xitog's user avatar
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2 answers

getchar() and its buffer

I wrote this code to get familiar with getchar(). I took line while(ch != '\n' && ch != EOF) ch = getchar(); from a book. What is a mystery to me is that in the second while loop using ...
Peter Kirsch's user avatar
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3 answers

getchar() and space-character

I am experimenting with the getchar() function. Can someone please explain why every time I finish an input line with a space and then press Enter, the input window skips a line and then I have to ...
Peter Kirsch's user avatar
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2 answers

Why does this python program hang the terminal when it exits on Linux or WSL?

From what I can tell, this program confuses the terminal emulation on both Linux and WSL, on both python 2 and 3. Once the program exits, characters are no longer echoed and normal terminal function ...
Rich T's user avatar
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Does getchar read ctrl+z or return EOF?

I have this code: #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { int d=0; d = getchar(); printf("%d\n", d); } Output: ^Z -1 From what I understand there are two things that could be ...
user394334's user avatar
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getchar is able to read ctrl+z but not scanf?

What I want to do is find out if scanf can read ctrl+z as EOF? I know that getchar and scanf return EOF when the end of the file is reached. This I have no problem with. What I want to do is have them ...
user394334's user avatar
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2 answers

Why does getchar in C accept many characters in a loop but not outside one

In the following program: #include <stdio.h> int main() { int c; c = getchar(); putchar(c); } Even if If write many characters in the input and press enter, it only prints the ...
talopl's user avatar
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5 answers

Does a character have to be casted to unsigned char before being compared to getc family returns?

I am not sure about whether I have to cast a character to an unsigned char before being compared to the return of a getc family function. The functions I consider getc family, are getc, fgetc and ...
marbens's user avatar
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why getchar() doesn't read the input? [duplicate]

#include<stdio.h> int main(void){ int character; double balance,amount; printf("Enter the balance: "); scanf("%lf",&balance); printf("Enter ...
Hasindu Dahanayake's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

what is the use of getchar() in following program [duplicate]

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #define NUM_DAYS_IN_WEEK 7 typedef struct { char *acDayName; int iDate; ...
Swathi A's user avatar
1 vote
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Why am I doing wrong with getchar()? (initializer element is not constant)

The code: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdbool.h> typedef enum{ counting1, counting2, searching, possiblecom, possibleend, } read_state; bool issep(char a){ return (a == ' ' |...
OctoPussy's user avatar
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1 answer

Why does while((c = getchar()) != EOF) repeat 2 times in c programming?

When I enter a number from keyboard, while loop goes 2 times, and I didn't understand why it is doing that. I want to run this loop for one time after each entering number. Is there anyone who can ...
mert onur's user avatar
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2 answers

getchar() prompting for input when typing space before Enter

A part of the code I'm writing has to read a sequence of integers separated by a space from input into an array. It works fine when I input, for example, 3 numbers, and then press Enter. But if after ...
Nare Avetisyan's user avatar

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