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Questions tagged [eof]

End of file (commonly abbreviated EOF) is a condition in a computer operating system where no more data can be read from a data source.

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C++ EOF Help Using Ctrl + Z and While Loop

I'm struggling a bit to understand how to set this up properly. Just a bit of background. I'm new to programming and I've only been using C++ for 3 weeks now. We were given a problem to allow a user ...
yangd14's user avatar
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Why is "input()" raising "unexpected EOF while parsing" error?

I'm coding in Python. I wrote this code in text editor: input () Then saved as In the terminal, it was successfully running by typing: $ python3 But when I ran the same code in ...
User's user avatar
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CLion - Triggering EOF During Input (Run Window)

I asked a question in the below link regarding how/when EOF triggers a simple C program to finish execution and output a count of characters using getchar(). Triggering EOF From Keyboard Input (...
Xejo's user avatar
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Triggering EOF From Keyboard Input (Terminal)

I'm a new[er] programmer and going through K&R's "ANSI C" 2nd edition book. The example has the following program that counts characters using getchar() until EOF is reached. include &...
Xejo's user avatar
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Regarding `EOF`-related conditions in a C reverse polish calculator

I've been following the K&R C book and I'm confused with one part of the given code for the reverse polish calculator in section 4.3. There's an if statement at the bottom of the getop function /* ...
thruse's user avatar
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Why does this code print null characters and why does it find null characters in both files? [closed]

bool isIdentical(FILE *file1, FILE *file2) //this fun tell me files is identical or no { // this must have char1 in file1? char c1 = fgetc(file1); // this must have char2 in file2? ...
mazen mohamed's user avatar
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How did I mess up my .pickle? I'm getting an "EOFError: Ran out of input" error, but the file isn't empty. Where did my loop fail?

I have a python script which iterates through all of the videos in a directory and performs inference using a neural network to classify segments of the videos, and saves the inference results to a ...
Robert's user avatar
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Error: "1824 bytes of body are still expected" while cloning repository from GitHub

I'm encountering an issue while trying to clone a Git repository from GitHub. When I run the git clone command, I consistently receive the following error message: 1824 bytes of body are still ...
Ajay Dhangar's user avatar
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Oracle Database Error: PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "EXCEPTION" / "end-of-file" when expecting one of the following [closed]

I've just started with Oracle Database XE, and I'm struggling with 2 errors in my code: Error(89,5): PLS-00103: Se ha encontrado el símbolo "EXCEPTION" cuando se esperaba uno de los ...
Andrea Romero Ruiz's user avatar
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Problem with EOF in C++ / Getting Runtime error [duplicate]

I have just started studying file handling in cpp I am studying on my own from internet / and books I Know about EOF (end of file) that indicates that this is the end of the file and its value is -1 i....
Prashant Kumar Gupta's user avatar
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fstream get() function returns weird values

I am working on a maze solving algorithm. I input a text file formatted with 2 numbers at the top defining the width and height. Then a G for goal, S for start, # are walls, . are open spaces. Example ...
Moe98's user avatar
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How to print a variable from an associative array and a multiline string from a loop cycle into a heredoc

I need to return variables (from 1 to 4) and the selected values from the associative array into the heredoc. Variables BASE=ppp-multi-image DEV=sdb # i.e. sdb or mmcblk0 ATTR=RequiredPartition,...
user23965762's user avatar
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How to solve error: RPC failed; curl 18 transfer closed with outstanding read data remaining fatal: early EOF

am trying to clone dhis2 source from a folked repository. am facing the error below Cloning into 'dhis2-android-capture-app'... remote: Enumerating objects: 169495, done. remote: Counting objects: 100%...
Jekap Jesman's user avatar
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Does getchar read ctrl+z or return EOF?

I have this code: #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { int d=0; d = getchar(); printf("%d\n", d); } Output: ^Z -1 From what I understand there are two things that could be ...
user394334's user avatar
-2 votes
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EOF in C, what is EOF? [duplicate]

I have some questions about EOF in C. What is actually EOF? I have read that it is a macro that "expands" to -1. What does this mean? Specifcally what does "expand" mean in this ...
user394334's user avatar

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