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Questions tagged [gaussianblur]

In image processing, a Gaussian blur (also known as Gaussian smoothing) is the result of blurring an image by a Gaussian function (named after mathematician and scientist Carl Friedrich Gauss).

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How to combine background blur and normal filter blur?

So ok, dont get me wrong i tried this so many times in different ways to do it, I even tried SVG Gussain Blurs. I Just cant combine those two effects. So basically i want to make a navigation bar ...
Sethnun Thunder's user avatar
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Gaussian blur from PIL doesn't take alpha into account

I'm trying to apply gaussian blur to a PIL.Image which has transparency, but blurring doesn't seem to be applied to the alpha channel. Here's my code: import wx from PIL import Image, ImageFilter ...
Benco's user avatar
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Can't seem to recreate Gaussian blur using Numpy

I want to implement Gaussian Blur (similar to cv2.GaussianBlur) using only Numpy but I can't seem to understand how to tackle the alpha channel. My code: # 1D Gaussian PD Function def gauss(x, sigma): ...
DeadAsDuck's user avatar
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OpenCV acceleration (OpenCL) of gaussian blur

I'm porting an image post-processing library to OpenCV, and testing the UMat OpenCL acceleration features. First tests work quite well, with complex filters using lots of arithmetic and math ...
galinette's user avatar
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Gaussianblur C++ programming and CUDA

I made a CUDA C++ programming code for Gaussian blur. But I have a problem with my CPU image. It doesn't blur but the GPU image does. At the end, my CPU image is always black. I can't generate a CPU ...
Leslie Tientcheu's user avatar
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How can i blur the lower layer of my windows app in Flutter

In Flutter, it is easy to use BackdropFilter to blur a image or something that is a child widget of the app. But, is there any way to blur the "lower layer" of my app? Just like the weather ...
OMEIX C's user avatar
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How to rewrite RenderScript code in Android

I have this piece of code in Android that given an int value, performs some image processing (blur effect) using RenderScript. While it is super fast and efficient, it is deprecated so I am looking ...
angel_30's user avatar
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Issues in Gaussian blur transform with kernel computation and normalization

I am currently trying to implement Gaussian blurring myself for learning purposes. The blurring effect does not take place. Instead the image contrast is enhanced. #include <algorithm> #include &...
Pawan Nirpal's user avatar
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Is there a way on Python to make a matrix (in the maths sense) from a (blur) function?

Essentially, I'm trying to set up an inverse problem, of the form Ax=y where A is a matrix/operator (e.g. blurring) acting on an image x (which I squeeze to make an array) and y is the consequent ...
Jason Born's user avatar
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Derivative of Gaussian Blur with respect to the pixels

I'm applying a Gaussian blur to an image where each pixel of the original image is being optimized for some purpose and the Gaussian blur is an intermediate transformation. For several reasons, it is ...
R S's user avatar
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Given the radius, how do I unblur an image with gaussian blur?

Ive been given the following image and the knowledge that it was blurred using 6px radius gaussian blur. How do I go about unblurring it?
Alexand's user avatar
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PyVista: 3D Gaussian Smoothing of PolyData

I would like to replicate the example here using my own data but trying to apply the gaussian_smooth() method to my ...
Sterling Butters's user avatar
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Blur Behind Bootstrap Tooltip

What I want: The area behind a tooltip is blurred: What I have The area behind the tooltip is not blurred: My Code Please see my jsFiddle for the full code:
Travis Heeter's user avatar
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Is there a way to use a conditional kernel in openCV that only changes pixels on an image if the condition is true?

I want to use a kernel that performs a pixel operation based on a conditional expression. Let's say I have this grayscale image (6x6 resolution): and I use a 3x3 pixel kernel, how would I change the ...
skeetastax's user avatar
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Gaussian blur in C using SDL

I'm trying to create a Gaussian blur in C using SDL. Here is my function: We admit that the param surface is a grayscale image (that's why i only use the r). SDL_Surface* gaussian_blur(SDL_Surface* ...
ImDaronned's user avatar

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