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Questions tagged [metal]

Metal is a proprietary framework for GPU-accelerated advanced 3D graphics rendering and data-parallel computation workloads. Made by Apple.

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Performant alternative to scaling a CIImage / PixelBuffer

I’m building a camera app where I am applying real time effects to the view finder. One of those effects is a variable blur, so to improve performance I am scaling down the input image using CIFilter....
Alex Fox's user avatar
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MTLBuffer didModifyRange not required

I think the MTLBuffer method didModifyRange is not required on my computer (late 2013 macbook, IntelHD4000 graphics card). Why is this the case? In what cases will it be required? Is it because this ...
sub mil's user avatar
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How to return a pointer containing data from Swift to C

I am writing a program in Swift that does computation on the GPU. Below is the code that generates a random matrix using Metal performance shaders: func randomMatrix( rows: Int, columns: Int, ...
Sâu's user avatar
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Best way to create a MTLTexture from a CVPixelBuffer for real-time processing

I'm trying to process video frames in real-time using AVFoundation's AVCaptureDevice but having trouble getting a "clean" MTLTexture from a CVPixelBuffer. AVPlayer buffers do not seem to ...
Ike's user avatar
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When debug metal app connected by ipad in xcode, There is some logs about Cache data printed on xcode console, why?

When run metal app connected by ipad in xcode, the console printed the log of "Cache loaded with 5598 pre-cached in CacheData and 56 items in CacheExtra.", How can I disable these logs?
kundi's user avatar
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SwiftUI with Metal synchronize issue

I am writing a SwiftUI with Metal project on macOS, and that drawing the screen capture on external monitor with renderer in SwiftUI. I uses triple buffering with semaphore for synchronizing the CPU ...
timyau's user avatar
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What is the info property of SwiftUI::Layer

What is the info property of SwiftUI::Layer? I couldn't find any document or resource about it. It appears in SwiftUI::Layer's definition: struct Layer { metal::texture2d<half> tex; float2 ...
Tinn_Vision's user avatar
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How do I detect when the user dismisses an ImmersiveSpace that uses CompositorServices to render with Metal

I want my app to know that the immersive space is no longer open, so that other UI can be updated accordingly. I have tried using ‘.onChange(of: scenePhase)’ on the ‘ImmersiveSpace’ to detect changes ...
Martin Bjerregaard Nielsen's user avatar
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What is a "_status < MTLCommandBufferStatusCommitted" assertion failure?

I'm using Metal to execute a compute kernel, but I'm receiving the following error: failed assertion _status < MTLCommandBufferStatusCommitted at line 316 in -[IOGPUMetalCommandBuffer ...
rgov's user avatar
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Performing a reduce operation with Metal

The Metal Shading Language Specification (PDF) includes a piece of sample code for performing a parallelized reduction (specifically, a summation) over an input array: #error /!\ READER BEWARE - ...
rgov's user avatar
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Error loading default Metal library for command line Swift tool

The Metal framework function MTLLibrary.makeDefaultLibrary() loads "your app’s default Metal library." However, it doesn't specify where it finds this default library. When I build an ...
rgov's user avatar
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Metal Texture with Overlay comes in Green

I am trying to use Metal to overlay two textures together. The base layer is from the camera a CMSampleBuffer in 420f format and the secondary is a texture generated from a UIImage with no background ...
Charlie's user avatar
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Why do I get a “Texture usage flags mismatch” shader validation error when declaring an imageblock in a compute pass?

Suppose I want to draw a red rectangle onto my render target using a compute shader. id<MTLComputeCommandEncoder> encoder = [commandBuffer computeCommandEncoder]; [encoder ...
Luna Razzaghipour's user avatar
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Use os_log_default in Metal

I want to do logging from a .metal file. From the specification: Metal defines the logging functions and types in <metal_logging>. To enable logging, you need to set -fmetal-enable-logging (see ...
Pogos Anesyan's user avatar
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Unexpected results from Metal computing

EDIT: In the comment below, pmdj pointed out 2 bugs in my code. For clarity, I will not copy all the code and output buffer contents. Instead I modified both and left the originals as comments. ...
Reinhard Männer's user avatar

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