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Questions tagged [doobie]

Doobie is a pure functional JDBC layer for Scala and Cats.

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2 answers

Simba JDBC Driver and Read timed out error BigQuery

I'm using Simba JDBC driver for bigquery in a scheduled job. Many times the job works and sometimes it fails because of: sept. 08 12:40:38.307 TRACE 677 com.simba.googlebigquery.googlebigquery.client....
Damien Marsile's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How I can insert case object as JSONB format via Doobie?

I use scala 2.13 and doobie 0.12.1 For example, I have case class case class UserInfo(name: String, age: Int, hobbies: Vector[String]) I want insert user info in column info as jsonb sql""&...
John's user avatar
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Syntax error at or near "order" (Scala with Quill, Doobie and PostgreSQL)

I am using Quill with Doobie and PostgreSQL (org.tpolecat.doobie-quill artifact with version 0.13.1). This code case class SomeRecord(id: Int, order: Int, name: String) val record = SomeRecord(0, 0, &...
DenisNovac's user avatar
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How to insert a linked object using Doobie

I need to insert into the database an object of the type Entity case class Entity(id: Long, name: String) case class OtherEntity(id: Long, entity_id: Long, info: String) case class AnotherEntity(...
grednoud's user avatar
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Scala Doobie not inserting values into database

My code to insert values is: def insert(link: entity.Link) : IO[Int] = {"Inserting link: " + link.toString()) sql"insert into links (title,url,publication_date,...
Vitaly Olegovitch's user avatar
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akka message wrtite into a doobie as a sink to postgres

I Have an issue when i try to write into a postgres table from an akka actor when it receives the message data. I dont't know exactly the real probem i think that is the async context, because when i ...
javier_orta's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Is it okay to use "unsafeRunSync()" in Cats-Effects?

I am using Doobie and in the examples that I found, it uses unsafeRunSync, like: sql"select name from country" .query[String] // Query0[String] .to[List] // ConnectionIO[List[...
ClassNotFoundException's user avatar
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1 answer

Doobie Query for Entities with Value Class Fields

I am using Doobie to manage database persistence. I use value class fields in my entity Foo i.e. case class CreatedOn(value: LocalDateTime) extends AnyVal case class Resource(value: String) ...
thlim's user avatar
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How to publish an FS2 Stream generated by Doobie to Kafka

I want to publish a long list of events into Kafka consuming an fs2.Stream that corresponds to a very big list of DB rows that will eventually cause an Out Of Memotry error if compiled to List. So, ...
sentenza's user avatar
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Is it possible to push values to Kafka asynchronously using cats.effect.IO and FS2 Streams while returning an HTTP response immediately?

The problem that I'm trying to solve can be described as follows: A k8s scheduler calls each Monday morning an HTTP endpoint of my Finagle/Finch application The HTTP endpoint will handle the request ...
sentenza's user avatar
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Postgresql array encoding in Doobie – text[] vs varying[]

Suppose we have this postgresql schema: CREATE TABLE "temp" (id int, fields text[]); INSERT INTO "temp" VALUES (1, array['abc', 'def']), (2, array['abc', 'def', 'jkl']), (3, ...
Nikita's user avatar
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Multiple queries in a single transaction with Doobie?

Let's say I have two case classes C1 and C2 that are each inherit from trait T. I have two Query0 objects parameterized by these case classes Query0[C1] and Query0[C2]. The goal is that when I execute ...
mdornfe1's user avatar
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Transactions in Doobie for Scala / Play Framework

I have a question regarding transactions in doobie. I have looked over the documentation here and it looks like it can only handle one query at a time? Is it possible to have something like this sql'''...
Teddy Dong's user avatar
9 votes
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Experiencing deadlocks when using the Hikari transactor for Doobie with ZIO

I'm using Doobie in a ZIO application, and sometimes I get deadlocks (total freeze of the application). That can happen if I run my app on only one core, or if I reach the number of maximum parallel ...
fanf42's user avatar
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How do I convert a java.util.UUID to doobie.syntax.SqlInterpolator.SingleFragment?

I am trying to set up a simple scala app with database using doobie, http4s and circe. How do I convert a java.util.UUID to doobie.syntax.SqlInterpolator.SingleFragment ? final case class User(id: ...
Ry2254's user avatar
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