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Questions tagged [coq]

Coq is a formal proof management system, semi-interactive theorem prover and functional programming language. Coq is used for software verification, the formalization of programming languages, the formalization of mathematical theorems, teaching, and more. Due to the interactive nature of Coq, we recommend questions to link to executable examples at if deemed appropriate.

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InteractionTrees library - simple program on ASM

I am trying to write simple program on ASM (a simple control-flow-graph language) from this tutorial: InteractionTrees -> ASM.v My final goal is to prove its correctness, using the library's ...
Natasha Klaus's user avatar
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Installing Coq on Windows on GitHub Actions succeeds on a repo, and fails on another repo

I'm trying to install Coq on Windows on GitHub Actions, but seeing strange results. I tried the following script, but couldn't install Coq because of the missing gmp.h error. name: CI on: push: ...
toku-sa-n's user avatar
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How to instruct `auto` to simplify the goal during proof search?

A minimal example of my issue looks as follows: Goal let x := True in x. This is immediately solved by simpl. auto., but auto. does not work. In my actual case, the search tree is a bit bigger than ...
radrow's user avatar
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Inductive from CoInductive?

It is possible to represent CoInductive using parts that are Inductive. As a simple example, CoInductive stream A := | SCons : A -> stream A -> stream A . Arguments SCons {A}. CoInductive ...
scubed's user avatar
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Is is possible to rename a coq term?

Sorry, I'm not sure if the title is the adequate question. I have been going through Logical Foundations. In the Lemma "double_plus" i solved it with this solution: Lemma double_plus : ...
udduu's user avatar
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Coq : mutually recursive definitions with [mrec] in InteractionTrees Library

I'm studying this great library for Representing Recursive and Impure Programs in Coq I am having problems with mutual recursion (very first example in documentation gives me an error) https://...
Natasha Klaus's user avatar
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Is there a function that returns a list of values with specific type in OCaml?

In Haskell, using listify with Data can extract values of a specific type from a deeply nested structure without lots of getters. For example, with the following code: {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #...
toku-sa-n's user avatar
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How to prove (X !-> 3) =[ <{ X := X + 2 }> ]=> (X !-> 5)?

I know how to prove 3 + 2 = 5 using Imp, defined in Software Foundations, Volume 1. Definition plus2_3_is_5: Prop := forall (st: state), (X !-> 3) =[ <{ X := X + 2 }> ]=> st -> st X = ...'s user avatar
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Showing polynomial equality in coq/ssreflect

I am trying to prove equality of polynomials by explicit computation in coq. Here's an example showing where I get stuck: From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect all_algebra. Set Implicit ...
user6584's user avatar
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Syntax of the case tactic in coq

Can someone explain to me what the following coq tactic is doing? case x : fun H => [|[]] // _. How would I rewrite this using destruct? Even better, can anyone point me to somewhere in the coq ...
user6584's user avatar
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Why assuming singleton elimination and definitional proof irrelevance leads to UIP, in Coq?

I was reading the paper Definitional proof-irrelevance without K, which states, in page 3, that If proof irrelevance holds for the equality type, every equality has at most one proof, which is known ...
Henrique Guerra's user avatar
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Understanding nat_ind2 in Logical Foundations

As an alternative induction principle of nat, nat_ind2 is defined like so: Definition nat_ind2 : forall (P : nat -> Prop), P 0 -> P 1 -> (forall n : nat, P n -> P (S(S n))) -> ...
confusedcius's user avatar
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What `dependent induction` tactic does in Coq and how to use it

Can you please provide me with high-level explanation on which usecases dependent induction / dependent destruct tactics have, and how they work (I would be grateful for explanation high-level enough ...
blonded04's user avatar
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Split multiple conjuncts in the goal

Is there a tactic to split multiple conjuncts in a goal into subgoals? If I have the goal P /\ Q /\ R, I want to split it to produce three subgoals at once: P, Q, and R I can't seem to find any info ...
confusedcius's user avatar
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Coq can't define an inductive proposition

My Coq compiler is not allowing for inductive propositions as: Inductive relation : nat -> nat -> Prop := | A : relation 1 2 | B : relation 2 3. Throws: Error: The reference B was not found ...
Ulises Torrella's user avatar

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