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How to prove (X !-> 3) =[ <{ X := X + 2 }> ]=> (X !-> 5)?

I know how to prove 3 + 2 = 5 using Imp, defined in Software Foundations, Volume 1. Definition plus2_3_is_5: Prop := forall (st: state), (X !-> 3) =[ <{ X := X + 2 }> ]=> st -> st X = ...'s user avatar
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Understanding nat_ind2 in Logical Foundations

As an alternative induction principle of nat, nat_ind2 is defined like so: Definition nat_ind2 : forall (P : nat -> Prop), P 0 -> P 1 -> (forall n : nat, P n -> P (S(S n))) -> ...
confusedcius's user avatar
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How do I apply (S n' <=? m) = true to S n' <= m? [closed]

Trying to complete a Coq proof but I ended up getting stuck on the last goal. I transformed the goal to S n' <= m and have a hypothesis (S n' <=? m) = true, but am unable to unify these. I tried ...
VikramG's user avatar
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Software Foundations (lf): proving leb_plus_exists and plus_leb_exists

I've been working through Volume 1 of Software Foundations, and I can't get past a pair of optional questions in Logic.v. Anyone have any idea what to do? Theorem leb_plus_exists : forall n m, n <=?...
VikramG's user avatar
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Software Foundations Basics - Theorem lower_grade_lowers need to prove implication Eq = Lt -> Eq = Lt

I'm working through Software Foundations on my own and am stuck on the final bullet for lower_grade_lowers. My theorem follows the hint pretty well until that final case which is obviously the crux of ...
PeterTN's user avatar
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Software Foundations Basics Exercise - How do I access letter from grade?

I am working through Software Foundations by myself and am trying the exercises, but I am stuck on the exercise for writing the function grade_comparison. Definition grade_comparison (g1 g2 : grade) :...
user21829651's user avatar
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I have been stuck on MApp for pumping lemma

I have been trying to solve Pumping lemma in Coq. I was on the third subgoal, Mapp. Lemma pumping : forall T (re : reg_exp T) s, s =~ re -> pumping_constant re <= length s -> exists s1 ...
Naqib Zahid's user avatar
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Cannot focus on a remaining unfocused goal in Coq

I am trying to prove the pumping Lemma (which is one of the exercises of the Logical Foundations book). I thought I had completed the MStarApp case but the interpreter tells me that there are still ...
user566206's user avatar
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Stuck at the MApp case in Logical Foundation's pumping lemma

I am teaching myself to use the Coq proof assistant through the Logical Foundations course. I am stuck trying to prove the MApp case of the pumping lemma. Lemma pumping : forall T (re : reg_exp T) s, ...
user566206's user avatar
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Check cnat. and got Type return

All I am trying to understand the Church numerals, mentioned in the SF-LF book, chp4. Definition cnat := forall X : Type, (X -> X) -> X -> X. Definition one : cnat := fun (X : Type) (f : X -...
Jimmy Stone's user avatar
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How can I prove excluded middle with the given hypothesis (forall P Q : Prop, (P -> Q) -> (~P \/ Q))?

I am currently confused about how to prove the following theorem: Theorem excluded_middle2 : (forall P Q : Prop, (P -> Q) -> (~P \/ Q)) -> (forall P, P \/ ~P). I am stuck here: Theorem ...
Pikapikapi Kaori's user avatar
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Proving MStar' in Logical Foundations (IndProp.v)

In Logical Foundations' chapter on Inductive Propositions, the exercise exp_match_ex1 involves the following definitions: Inductive reg_exp (T : Type) : Type := | EmptySet | EmptyStr | Char (t : ...
user566206's user avatar
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How can I prove `add_le_cases` (`forall n m p q, n + m <= p + q -> n <= p \/ m <= q`)

I am trying to complete the series of exercises le_exercises from Logical Foundations' chapter on inductive propositions. This series is mostly based on the inductive relation le, defined thusly: ...
user566206's user avatar
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Mix-up of bool and Datatypes.bool after Require Import coq libraries

2 I'm going through software foundations and ran into an error. ( From Coq Require Import Arith.Arith. From Coq Require Import Bool.Bool....
Fusen's user avatar
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Coq proving nonsensical inductive property implication?

In IndProp.v from Logical Foundations we have the following inductive property: Inductive nostutter {X:Type} : list X -> Prop := | nos_nil : nostutter [] | nos_one : forall x, nostutter [x] | ...
granduser's user avatar

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