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Questions tagged [proof]

A mathematical proof is any mathematical argument which demonstrates the truth of a mathematical statement. Informal proofs are typically rendered in natural language and are held true by consensus; formal proofs are typically rendered symbolically and can be checked mechanically. "Proofs" can be valid or invalid; only the former kind constitutes actual proof, whereas the latter kind usually refers to a flawed attempt at proof.

2 votes
1 answer

WP Plugin: Why does the following simplified code fail to verify

I am a new Frama-C User and I am trying to prove certain properties for a large project. I was seeing a particular proof fail, and tried reducing the problem to a minimum reproducible example, and the ...
LakshyAAAgrawal's user avatar
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How to instruct `auto` to simplify the goal during proof search?

A minimal example of my issue looks as follows: Goal let x := True in x. This is immediately solved by simpl. auto., but auto. does not work. In my actual case, the search tree is a bit bigger than ...
radrow's user avatar
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Prove max x y = y given that x <= y in Idris 2?

I am new to Idris2 and need some guidance on proving the following relationship: simplify_max : (LTE x y) -> (max x y) = y simplify_max prf = ?code I read in the docs that the constructors for LTE ...
Hermes's user avatar
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Is is possible to rename a coq term?

Sorry, I'm not sure if the title is the adequate question. I have been going through Logical Foundations. In the Lemma "double_plus" i solved it with this solution: Lemma double_plus : ...
udduu's user avatar
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How to extract a variable from an exist clause

I am triying to make a simple reduction to absurd proof with Dafny, normally when I do so (in real life mathematics) I use arguments like "ok, now lets choose a p that fullfills this property ...
Pablo Martín Viñuelas's user avatar
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Proof by reductio ad absurdum in Isabelle

I understand how ccontr works, however I am unsure how (or even if it is possible) to use it on a lemma declared with assumption(s). Take this simple example, all is good: lemma l1: "A⊆B ⟶ A ∩ B =...
Alicia M.'s user avatar
1 vote
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I have a problem in Isabelle related to 'Clash of types' that I am unable to solve. Could someone help me?

I would want to formalise a calculus in Isabelle. I started with this definitions: type_synonym Signature = "string ⇀ nat" type_synonym 'a Interpretation = "string ⇀ 'a list set" ...
Montserrat Hermo's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Does sequencing an infinite list of IO actions by definition result in a never-ending action? Or is there a way to bail out?

This was actually something I wanted to understand with my previous question, but I misworded it by giving for granted the solution would somehow have to build on sequence and repeat, so I got an ...
Enlico's user avatar
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How to improve a LH=RH chain proof

I am tying to get a better understanding how Isabelle manages the chain proofs, specifically when associativity/commutativity is involved. Imagine I have a binary non-homogeneous operator op that is ...
Alicia M.'s user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How to prove that nat_to_bin combines bin_to_nat b = normalize b in Coq

I am a green hand in studying Coq with the reference book softwarefoundation-induction In the last part of this phrase, there is an exercise about proving that change a binary to a nature number and ...
luxuriant_lettuce's user avatar
-2 votes
3 answers

Is this the best loop variant for the following code which takes in a sorted array of integers and determines if theres are ints x,y that equal k

Would "there exists a pair x,y in the subarray arr[left:right+1] that sums up to k." be a good loop variant for the code below which determines given a sorted array of integers if there is a ...
Cool Kid's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Sledgehammer output with vampire

I tried to use sledgehammer in proof and got such output Sledgehammering... vampire found a proof... Derived "False" from these facts alone: SymbolicE, const_bool_simp, ptype_bool_not, ...
bearhug15's user avatar
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Agda Recursion on Proof

I have created a recursive Datatype „Positive“ in Agda. Im using this datatype to Index some Tree. On those trees I am trying to proof that a set operation on some Index q doesnt affect a get ...
Max Podpera's user avatar
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What is the simplest AVL tree structure to demonstrate a complete right rotation?

I'm learning about AVL trees and their rotations in data structures. I wish my lectures had showcased the simplest complete right rotation because I found the topic became way easier for me when I ...
guardianfecal's user avatar
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Agda Unresolved Metas

I have created a Tree datatype. And a get function that should retrieve a value from it. I now want to create a Proof that retrieving any Value from an Empty Tree will return "nothing". (I ...
Max Podpera's user avatar

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