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Questions tagged [chrome-ux-report]

Chrome UX Report provides user experience reports generated by Chrome for real user performance metrics, across the public web.

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Connecting chrome-ux-report dataset in BigQuery via service account

I can access chrome-ux-report via BigQuery UI which is fine. But I would connect to the dataseta chrome-ux-report via service account, trought 3rd-party-connectors or 3rd-party BigQuery client (such ...
Gianluca Il Gege Gerla's user avatar
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CrUX API - 404 NOT_FOUND for valid domains

CrUX Demo Code - giving a 404 for major public sites? I'm trying to run the sample code from Google's CrUX API docs page. The code: const CrUXApiUtil = {}; // Get your CrUX API key at
Matthew Bakaitis's user avatar
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Web vitals score

I have question about how to get data for Web vitals score. I am using Google Lighthouse and i wanted to edit score values for the latest ones. Right in the source files there are links like this - ...
vebrt's user avatar
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CrUX dashboard looses all data - why?

Two domains are affected by disappearing of data from CrUX dashboard: These domains (origins) are affected: this and that. Both domains are available for bot crawling, earn much traffic and in the ...
Evgeniy's user avatar
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Can't access CrUX Dataset on Google BigQuery

maybe my question is not directly programming related but kind of like pre-programming, because I can't even access the data I want to query and i saw that possible tags exist on here. I'm trying to ...
quantumquester's user avatar
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CrUX: How much data is sufficient?

URLs without much traffic, if tested with PageSpeed Insights tool have no own CrUX metrics - the test displays instead the metrics from the origin (domain). About the tested URL the tool mentions: ...
Evgeniy's user avatar
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CRUX API throws error when I want to get loading experience data(LCP,CLS,FID) of a URL that have a redirection(301)

I want to use CRUX API to get URL based loading experience data(LCP, CLS, FID). If the URL have a redirection due to something missing in cookie, CRUX API returns error. But CRUX API querying with URL ...
Mustafa Birinci's user avatar
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Crux dataset Bigquery - Query for Min/Avg/Max LCP, FID and CLS

I have been exploring the Crux dataset in big query for last 10 days to extract data for data studio report. Though I consider myself good at SQL, as I have mostly worked with oracle and SQL server, I ...
ZedBee's user avatar
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How to get url-level daily crux data?

AFAIK, crux exposes monthly aggregates and 28-day rolling average. Bigquery gives aggregation by origin and one can use the API to get url level. The only ...
Igor Gatis's user avatar
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What means FP in CrUX Community Dashboard?

CrUX Community Dashboard provides on the page 7 metric named FP / First Paint. But I can't find at any metric with this name. However, under there is a metric named First Meaningful ...
Evgeniy's user avatar
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Metrics responsed in random order on querying CrUX Report API

I queries to CrUX Report API, as dev docs show. Instead of origin I use url to get data for certain URLs, so my query looks like: curl
Evgeniy's user avatar
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Why I miss some data on querying of Chrome UX Report API?

On querying of Chrome UX Report API i get sometimes a 404 error, "chrome ux report data not found". Documentation says: If 404 - CrUX API doesn't have any data for given origin. For all URLs ...
Evgeniy's user avatar
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How to create a Google Chrome UX API batch query?

I've tried examples from the documentation page, but got errors (like invalid url, which was in fact valid) giving me no insight, what i'm doing wrong. Could somebody give me an example for a batch ...
Evgeniy's user avatar
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Google CrUX data missing for the last few months?

Google has CrUX data for my site between 2020-01 and 2020-10, but strangely none from 2020-11 onward. For example, querying the BigQuery dataset for 2020-10 shows data: > SELECT count(origin) FROM `...
David Wolever's user avatar
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Does page speed insight ignore pages with no index, no follow tags added to discouage bots from crawling

Does page speed insight ignore pages with no index, no follow tags added to discouage bots from crawling. If not, is there a way to make google ignore a page from the origin data summary (Field data).
jaison619's user avatar

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