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Questions tagged [amazon-linux-2]

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cloud-init fails on Amazon Linux 2023 but works on AmazonLinux2

Here's my very simple test script that I want to run on ec2 launch via cloud-init using terraform. data "cloudinit_config" "cloudinit" { gzip = false base64_encode = ...
user22685947's user avatar
-2 votes
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"session not created: DevToolsActivePort file doesn't exist" on my ec2 instance with Amazon Linux 2 x86 architecture

I am trying to run chrome from my application deployed on tomcat . chromedriver and chromium browser are both installed . [root@ip bin]# chromedriver --version ChromeDriver 126.0.6478.114 root@ip bin]...
Love Sachdeva's user avatar
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1 answer

Unable to Migrate AWS Sagemaker Notebook instance of Amazon Linux 1(AL1) type to Amazon Linux 2 (AL2)

I have AWS sagemaker notebook instances of Amazon Linux 1 type (notebook-al1-v1) and its in Stopped state. As AWS is not supporting AL1type notebook anymore, i want to migrate it to AL2 type. I ...
0 votes
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Get error on accessing amazon extras installation on EC2 instance

Error on installing amazon-linux-extras on Amazon-linux 2 AMI Command that i execute after connecting EC2 on terminal sudo yum update -y sudo yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel sudo wget -O /etc/...
Samundra Acharya's user avatar
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java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: in Amazon Linux Machine

I am working on Amazon Linux machine. I have installed all the required libraries still getting odbc error. I have tried multiple jars files still no success. need help for this issue. Python version ...
Padam Rai Motiani's user avatar
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How to run FFMPEG with --enable-libfontconfig on Amazon Linux 2

Problem I want to run FFmpeg on AWS Lambda (Amazon Linux 2) with the configuration --enable-libfontconfig enable. Situation I already have FFmpeg running on AWS Lambda without the configuration --...
Adrien Kaczmarek's user avatar
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bash Command not executing on Ec2 from Lambda

I'm trying to run certain bash on a Ec2 instance that I create in a Lambda function. code const instanceParams = { ImageId: "ami-0c101f26f147fa7fd", InstanceType: "t2.micro&...
adarshiremath's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Has anyone encountered skylight in amazon workspaces using extremely high cpu and memory? [closed]

Over the past few days my Amazon Workspace keeps freezing up (Session Interrupted). I am not positive but the culprit seems to be skylight which is consuming over 28.5GB of reserved memory and 148.3GB ...
DTB's user avatar
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running aws cli on amazon linux returns No module named 'cryptography'

running aws on an aws linux ec2 returns No module named 'cryptography' updating or installing older version with pip does not help
D'witt's user avatar
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Docker build doesn't pick TARGETARCH arg value when running on Amazon Linux 2

I’m running docker build on an Amazon Linux 2 EC2 instance, and using TARGETARCH arg to identify the target architecture: FROM python:3.12.1-slim-bookworm AS build ARG TARGETARCH RUN echo "arch ...
Udi Dahan's user avatar
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Random "Unable to locate credentials" in the child processes on AWS EC2

Bounty clarification I already found band-aid solution, see my answer. However, I still do not understand At what point script below is throttled - when it calls IMDS? or when IMDS calls STS? Why ...
Alexander Pavlov's user avatar
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How do I give Jenkins more heap space when it's running as a daemon on Amazon linux 2?

I recently upgraded my Jenkins installation to version 2.432, and I'm facing an issue with finding the configuration file that was previously located at /etc/sysconfig/jenkins Prior to this version, ...
madhu's user avatar
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SSM Patch manager Patch policy issue

The requirement is to do the patching of existing EC2 instances. So we decided to work with AWS Patch Manager under the Systems Manager. Issue: We have added AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore Policy Role ...
VIVEK KADAM's user avatar
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2 answers

How to install Wkhtmltopdf in Amazon Linux 2023?

I am upgrading my servers to Amazon Linux 2023 from AL2. My application needs wkhtmltopdf and now while trying to install it I see that is not officially released on my specific OS version. I have ...
damuz91's user avatar
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redis-cli works perfectly when bash script is executed manually but gives a "command not found" error when run from crontab

I have an Amazon Linux 2 powered EC2 instance that runs user data script and installs redis-cli as part of it. This redis instance runs inside Elasticache and therefore requires TLS support I am ...
PirateApp's user avatar
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