I tried to start R script from crontab on ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS but script didnt start

my code (edited by nano crontab -e)


50 9 * * * Rscript 1.r

crontab edited without nano crontab -e


no crontab for root

crontab -l

also gives no crontab for root

How can I solve this?

  • 1
    I don't think that it is how you are supposed to use crontab. I am a begginer-intermediate on Linux, but it looks that nano crontab -e is creatint a [text] file called crontab, with the -e option of nano (" -e, --emptyline Do not use the line below the title bar, leaving it entirely blank."). Modify you cronjobs with crontab -e like in this tutorial : linuxhandbook.com/crontab . Also, make sure to type your script right, 1.r is not the same as 1.R. You might want to check if you have "execute" permission on that file, but I am not so sure if it is required.
    – VinceGreg
    Commented Jul 3 at 12:30


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