
I am trying to cron a script I have written but I keep getting errors.

My cron looks like

# For details see man 4 crontabs
# Example of job definition:
# .---------------- minute (0 - 59)
# | .------------- hour (0 - 23)
# | | .---------- day of month (1 - 31)
# | | | .------- month (1 - 12) OR jan,feb,mar,apr ...
# | | | | .---- day of week (0 - 6) (Sunday=0 or 7) OR sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat
# | | | | |
# * * * * * user-name command to be executed

*/2 * * * * /opt/project_1/myscript.sh >> /tmp/cron.log 2>&1

The script it runs looks like

#! /bin/bash
source ${main_path}venv/bin/activate
python3 ${main_path}main.py

This is the error I receive in cron.log:

Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "/opt/project_1/main.py", line 4, in <module>
  from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'geopy'

This is my pip list:

pr0xibus@fedora:/opt/project_1$ source venv/bin/activate
(venv) pr0xibus@fedora:/opt/project_1$ pip list
Package                Version
---------------------- ---------
acme                   2.11.0
argcomplete            3.3.0
Beaker                 1.12.1
beautifulsoup4         4.12.3
blivet                 3.10.0
blivet-gui             2.5.0
boto3                  1.34.128
botocore               1.34.128
Brlapi                 0.8.5
bs4                    0.0.2
certbot                2.11.0
certbot-apache         2.11.0
cffi                   1.16.0
charset-normalizer     3.3.2
click                  8.1.7
ConfigArgParse         1.7
configobj              5.0.8
cryptography           41.0.7
cupshelpers            1.0
dasbus                 1.7
dbus-python            1.3.2
distro                 1.9.0
dnf                    4.19.2
fedora-third-party     0.10
file-magic             0.4.0
fros                   1.1
geographiclib          2.0
geopy                  2.4.1
humanize               3.13.1
idna                   3.7
iso639                 0.1.4
jmespath               1.0.1
josepy                 1.13.0
langtable              0.0.67
libcomps               0.1.20
libdnf                 0.73.1
louis                  3.28.0
lxml                   5.1.0
Mako                   1.2.3
MarkupSafe             2.1.3
mysql-connector-python 8.4.0
nftables               0.1
olefile                0.47
packaging              23.2
parsedatetime          2.6
Paste                  3.7.1
pexpect                4.9.0
pid                    2.2.3
pillow                 10.3.0
pip                    23.3.2
ply                    3.11
productmd              1.38
ptyprocess             0.7.0
pwquality              1.4.5
pycairo                1.25.1
pycparser              2.20
pycrypto               2.6.1
pycups                 2.0.4
pyenchant              3.2.2
PyGObject              3.48.2
pykickstart            3.52
pyOpenSSL              23.2.0
pyparted               3.13.0
pyRFC3339              1.1
PySocks                1.7.1
python-augeas          1.1.0
python-dateutil        2.8.2
python-meh             0.51
python-pam             2.0.2
pytz                   2024.1
pyudev                 0.24.1
pyxdg                  0.27
PyYAML                 6.0.1
regex                  2024.4.16
requests               2.31.0
requests-file          2.0.0
requests-ftp           0.3.1
s3transfer             0.10.1
selinux                3.6
sepolicy               3.6
setools                4.5.1
setuptools             69.0.3
simpleaudio            1.0.4
simpleline             1.9.0
six                    1.16.0
sos                    4.7.1
soupsieve              2.5
systemd-python         235
Tempita                0.5.2

Can anyone notice where I am going wrong?

I can run the script just fine as ./myscript.sh and it works perfect, it's just the cron that has issues.

  • I can't see anything obviously wrong. Are you sure the log output isn't from a provious run where you forgot to activate?
    – tripleee
    Commented Jun 29 at 6:16
  • (As such, you don't really need the wrapper script if this is a regular Python venv. Just run /opt/project_1/bin/python /opt/project_1/main.py.)
    – tripleee
    Commented Jun 29 at 6:17
  • HOME=/ is kind of weird, though; why do you have that?
    – tripleee
    Commented Jun 29 at 6:19
  • For troubleshooting, can you wrap the import in try and print the value of sys.path in the except and then raise the exception again?
    – tripleee
    Commented Jun 29 at 6:20
  • Cheers for the reply triplee. I am tail -f /tmp/cron.log so its a new error each time. I will remove the script and just do as you said above to see if that works. HOME=/ was in by default unsure why but kinda just left it there.
    – pr0xibus
    Commented Jun 29 at 6:28


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