I'm trying to set up an event pattern in AWS EventBridge to filter events based on the tableName field. I want to exclude events where tableName starts with either database_1 or database_2. This condition worked well.

Now, I'm trying to add a new condition to exclude events where tableName ends with _test. However, I'm struggling to combine these two conditions in the event pattern. Does anyone know how to do this for the same field within detail?

Here's what I've tried so far:

      "detail": {
        "typeOfChange": ["CreateTable", "UpdateTable"]
        "tableName": [{
          "anything-but": {
            "prefix": ["database_1", "database_2"]
            "suffix": "_test" 
      "source": ["aws.glue"]

Any help would be appreciated.

1 Answer 1


Would an $or pattern work here? https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eventbridge/latest/userguide/eb-event-patterns-content-based-filtering.html#eb-filtering-complex-example-or

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