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Questions tagged [aws-event-bridge]

For questions about Amazon EventBridge. Amazon EventBridge is a serverless event bus service, formerly called Amazon CloudWatch Events. when using this tag include the more generic [amazon-web-services] tag where possible.

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EventBridge Rule does not work when created via Pulumi

I need to create EventBridge Rule detecting stopped ECS Task and sending info to SNS Topic. When I create the Rule manually, it works When I create the same rule via Pulumi, it does not work - it ...
mitroo's user avatar
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Amazon ECS service deployment state change events is not created nor sent to event bridge

When i deploy ecs service none of the Amazon ECS service deployment state change events are called event bridge does not receive any events for this rule: { "source": [ "aws.ecs" ],...
Rofler's user avatar
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Unable to connect 2 lambdas with event bridge

I'm trying to connect 2 lambdas with event bridge. One lambda should send an event, and EB should trigger another lambda. Here's receiving lambda yaml functions: onTransactionPublished: handler: ...
Dusan Milosevic's user avatar
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Aws run lambda when task is healthy

I want my lambda to run once when the ecs task becomes healthy (the essential container becomes healthy). In my lambda i need to get the essential container ip and port and send a request to it, after ...
Rofler's user avatar
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AWS - Collect events globally via CloudTrail

I have a CloudTrail trail setup - it is multi-regional, and it writes logs to the bucket licated within the same region (trail is in us-east-1, and cloudtrail bucket is in us-east-1, too) I did setup ...
Elizaveta's user avatar
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I don't get a notification for compliance change status from aws config

I have tried to to code via cdk an email notification if compliance status of managed rule "maxAccessKeyAge" is non_compliant. I have followed this guide:
ve05ribu's user avatar
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Avoid Adding a Resource Policy to Lambda While Creating EventBridge Rule Using CDK

Problem Statement: I want to create n numbers of EventBridge Rules where the target resource is a Lambda using CDK. While creating the Rule, EventBridge automatically creates a resource policy for ...
Piyush Pranjal's user avatar
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Error in getting data from EventBridgeEvent

I have step function with lambda_1 as starting point. This step function is going to be triggered when object is added to S3. I am getting the event and trying to fetch objectKey and bucket from that ...
Sara N's user avatar
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Creating a schedule expression for eventbridge using terraform

I am creating resources on AWS using TF and running into an error while trying to create an event bridge scheduler. Based on TF documentation itself, schedule_expression = "rate(1 hours)" ...
Abby's user avatar
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Issue with AWS Lambda and EventBridge - Schedule not working as expected

I am facing an issue while configuring AWS Lambda with EventBridge. I set up the scheduling, but when I create the schedule, it gets executed immediately upon creation and does not follow the intended ...
Misael Miranda's user avatar
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S3 Cross Region Replication - Filter in EventBridge?

Context: I have S3 buckets setup in us-east-1 & us-west-1 regions -> both buckets fire Event Notifications on receipt of an PutObject event and these events are captured by an EventBridge rule ...
SpaceMan Spiff's user avatar
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EventBridge listen to multiple s3 buckets

Below is fragment of which is configuring event bridge to notify my service about object addition: ... rules = { s3ObjCreatedEvents = { description = "Capture S3 ...
Ivan Karotki's user avatar
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Serverless config for scheduled lambda function

I have a lambda function configured in serverless to run on a schedule as follows: runDailyBatch: handler: src/handlerRunDailyBatch.handler timeout: 20 reservedConcurrency: 1 ...
Richard Wheeldon's user avatar
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What is the bucket property that describes the number of objects in S3 in Amazon EventBridge event pattern JSON?

I'm trying to figure out how to add a property that describes how many objects are in an S3 bucket. Please look at the following: { "source": ["aws.s3"], "detail-type"...
Zan X's user avatar
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Can't delete EventBridge trigger on AWS Lambda when there's function URLs

I got an error Unable to determine service/operation name to be authorized, when I tried to delete AWS Lambda function trigger, which is "EventBridge (CloudWatch Events)", if there's a ...
piyotan's user avatar

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