I added a build step to execute a Python script.
In this script pylint is called with the lint.Run(..args) to check the code.
The script works but in the end, the build fails with the only error message:

Build step 'Execute Python script' marked build as failure

Someone has an idea why this happens?

9 Answers 9


You can also simply put a

pylint || exit 0

in the shell cmdline. The Pylint plugin will fail the build anyway by checking the result of pyllint.

  • 3
    The problem with this is that if pylint fails to run, then you'll miss the error as it's still a 0 exit code. Commented Sep 24, 2018 at 15:51
  • using the pipe works but a cleaner solution is given below by sherylpinto & floern stackoverflow.com/questions/7347233/… Commented Sep 7, 2021 at 6:48

In Pylint 1.9.3, there is a --exit-zero flag.



Pylint has the unpleasant behavior to return a non-zero exit code even only if a small warning issue was found. Only when everything was fine, 0 is returned (see man page).

As usually a non-zero code denotes an error, Jenkins fails the build.

I see two ways to overcome this:

  • Use a small script around pylint that always returns 0. Then jenkins will not fail because of pylint. I use a small python script calling pylint with os.system() and sys.exit(0) after than. You can see it as overriding the error code of pylint.
  • Patch pylint. For example, on my Linux system the sys.exit() call is in the file /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/pylint/lint.py
  • I piped the output to cat, and it appears to build successfully now. e.g. pylint -f html code.py | cat > report.html
    – zyxue
    Commented Apr 13, 2016 at 3:54

it seems that your pylint execution exit with a non-zero status (missing script, bad options...), maybe you exit the script with an exception raised or a sys.exit(something_else_than_zero)

  • 1
    Damn straight. I debugged the lint.py and found out about a call sys.exit(self.linter.msgstatus) where the msgstatus could not be found in context. Replacing this with a 0 worked and now the builds are succeding.
    – Gobliins
    Commented Sep 8, 2011 at 12:26

Recent rylint have option for not calling sys exit

lint.Run(args, exit=False, **kwargs)

Ran into this today (although not using Jenkins).

In my case it was because of how Pylint encodes fatal-error-warning-refactor-convention-usage info in its exit code: https://docs.pylint.org/en/1.6.0/run.html#exit-codes

My fix:

#!/usr/bin/env sh

# Wraps Pylint invocation to produce shell-friendly exit codes
# Because Pylint exit codes are weird:
# https://docs.pylint.org/en/1.6.0/run.html#exit-codes

if [ ! -z $PYTHON_ENV ]; then

${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} -m pylint $@


exit $(($PYLINT_EXIT_CODE % 4))

(Gist: https://gist.github.com/nkashy1/ae59d06d4bf81fb72047fcd390d08903)

  • Note: I did not want to use --exit-zero as it doesn't allow me to fail builds when there are legitimate errors (e.g. on undefined-variable errors in Pylint). Commented Aug 26, 2019 at 20:29

Pylint expect the code being analyzed to be 100% perfect. Even code warning may cause exit with non zero status code. Try to fix your code as Pylint suggest and rate 10/10.

Hope this helps.


I agree with @dmeister, but with pipeline code (Jenkinsfile) I suggest a try/catch and then parsing the error. This way you can determine if you're just getting status bits from pylint (see the Pylint docs), whether pylint reports a usage error, or whether there was a catastrophic fail:

try {       
    sh 'pylint --output-format=parseable my_module'
} catch ( pylint_rc ) {
    // pylint_rc will be of the form
    // "hudson.AbortException: script returned exit code NN"
    // where NN is 1-63 and represents bit field;
    // bits 0-4 indicate lint-ish issues in analyzed code,
    // bit 5 indicates pylint usage error
    echo "pylint_rc= \'$pylint_rc\'"
    String rc = "$pylint_rc"
    String code = rc.split()[5]
    echo "Isolated return code string value $code"
    int value = code.toInteger()

    // catastrophic/crash error returns a 1; else there is a pylint return code
    int error_bits_code = value & 0x20
    int lint_bits_code = value & 0x1f
    echo "pylint error_bits_code=$error_bits_code ; lint_bits_code=$lint_bits_code"
    if ( (value == 1) || (error_bits_code != 0) ) {
        currentBuild.result = "FAILURE"
        throw pylint_rc

Apologies to groovy purists - groovy isn't my thing, so I'm sure this can be improved on - let me know. There is one known hole: if pylint detects only "fatal"-type errors (bit 0) and no other issues of any kind (bits 1-4 are not set) then this code will incorrectly throw an exception. But my code flags tons of issues, so that's not a problem for me. The fix (?parse error msg?) might be trivial for someone with groovy chops.


The pylint give not zero exit, but without obviously error message. you may need to trace to see which file pylint got failed. and take a look in the file.

For me, I add an empty directory with init.py file, and pylint give same error

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