I was typing in Visual Studio Code and I slammed at a lot of keys and from that moment for some reason when I press ctrl + alt + n I get } and can't run my program with that keysbind anymore eveh tho it stil says over the run button that ctrl + alt + n is stil shortcut for it, can someone please help me reset that so i can run my program with ctrl + alt + n.

1 Answer 1


Have you looked here to see your existing shortcuts? The search box at the top is quite friendly:

File > Preferences > Keyboard shortcuts

Have you looked here to see the list of all commands, with their shortcuts (if any)?

View > Command Palette

  • Yes and as I said, it says that the bind is "ctrl + alt + N" for the code run, but when I press that it just writes "}". It is like that windows keybind takes priority over my Visual Studio Code command. Commented Oct 13, 2021 at 7:21

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