VS Code Version : 1.26.1 (1.26.1) Mac version : 10.13.6

How to customize keyboard shortcuts in visual studio code?

For example I want to change Rename to Shift - F6 instead of F2


2 Answers 2

  1. Go to menu Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts
    • Shortcut in windows its CTRL+k then CTRL+k
    • Shortcut in mac CMD+k then CMD+s
  2. Search for the command that you are trying to customise short cut
  3. Click on the edit button on the side(Pencil symbol)
  4. Type your custom keyboard short cut and press Enter

enter image description here


Instructions for Windows:

Press Ctrl + K and then Ctrl + S and the Keyboard Shortcuts page will open.

Instructions for MacOS:

The corresponding shortcut is Cmd + K and then Cmd + S

Normally a new tab with title Keyboard Shortcuts will appear. You can modify any shortcut by pressing the edit icon left to the command name and assigning the desired shortcut.

  • 1
    Since I'm using mac, I ended up in pressing CMD + K and CMD + S.
    – aspdeepak
    Commented Aug 31, 2018 at 13:57

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