Doobie can select * with a case class for convenient and correct parameter passing, but I don't see how to work in a similar way with update and insert.

For example, given a case class like this:

case class Course(
  sku: String,
  title: String,
  id: Id,
  price: Int,
  instructorid: Id,
  groupid: Id,
  shortdescription: String = "",
  transcript: String = "",
  project_home: String = "",
  repository: String = "",
  category: String = "",
  image: String = "",
  privacy: String = "",
  language: String = "",
  keywords: String = "",
  goals: String = "",
  instructionallevel: String = "",
  audience: String = "",
  studenttasks: String =  "",
  sections: String = "",
  active: Boolean = true,
  video: String = "",
  paypal_button_id: String = "",
  prerequisite_ids: String = ""

I can nicely select records. This nice syntax is possible because Doobie iterates through the Course case class properties and assigns values to them by matching their names to the courses database record fields:

    def find(id: Id): Option[Course] =
      sql"select * from courses where id = $id"

However insert requires all of the case class properties to be manually listed, and matched up with values, which is horrible and error-prone:

    /** @return saved Course with new Id */
    def save(course: Course): Course = {
      val insert: doobie.ConnectionIO[Course] = sql"""insert into courses (
        ) values (
          ${ course.sku },
          ${ course.title },
          ${ course.price },
          ${ course.instructorid },
          ${ course.groupid },
          ${ course.shortdescription },
          ${ course.transcript },
          ${ course.project_home },
          ${ course.repository },
          ${ course.category },
          ${ course.image },
          ${ course.privacy },
          ${ course.language },
          ${ course.keywords },
          ${ course.goals },
          ${ course.instructionallevel },
          ${ course.audience },
          ${ course.studenttasks },
          ${ course.sections },
          ${ course.active },
          ${ course.video },
          ${ course.paypal_button_id },
          ${ course.prerequisite_ids }
      val newCourse: Course = insert.transact(SQLSupport.xa).unsafeRunSync

Also update is similarly horrible:

    /** @return updated Course, which should be identical to the given course */
    def update(course: Course): Course = {
      val update: doobie.ConnectionIO[Course] = sql"""update courses set
          sku = ${ course.sku },
          title = ${ course.title },
          id = ${ course.id },
          price = ${ course.price },
          instructorid = ${ course.instructorid },
          groupid = ${ course.groupid },
          shortdescription = ${ course.shortdescription },
          transcript = ${ course.transcript },
          project_home = ${ course.project_home },
          repository = ${ course.repository },
          category = ${ course.category },
          image = ${ course.image },
          privacy = ${ course.privacy },
          language = ${ course.language },
          keywords = ${ course.keywords },
          goals = ${ course.goals },
          instructionallevel = ${ course.instructionallevel },
          audience = ${ course.audience },
          studenttasks = ${ course.studenttasks },
          sections = ${ course.sections },
          active = ${ course.active },
          video = ${ course.video },
          paypal_button_id = ${ course.paypal_button_id },
          prerequisite_ids = ${ course.prerequisite_ids }
        where id = ${ course.id }"""
      val modifiedCourse: Course = update.transact(SQLSupport.xa).unsafeRunSync

Is there a better way?


4 Answers 4


Doobie documentation is quite great, but sometimes you might find yourself in some scenarios that are not directly explained in their docs.

In order to insert directly a case class object (not their attributes), you must define a Write[A] which will tells Doobie how the data must be inserted. This is used when the mapping of the attributes, in the case class, are slightly different from the ones in the database table.

Imagine the following case class:

case class Course (id: UUID, name: String, year: Int)

In this case, we need to define a Write[Course] for doobie, which would be:

// Scala 3:
given Write[Course] = Write[(UUID, String, Int)].contramap(c => (c.id, c.name, c.year))

// Scala 2:
implicit val writer : Write[Course] = Write[(UUID, String, Int)].contramap(c => (c.id, c.name, c.year))

So now, you can run your Update and Doobie will know how to map your columns:

def insertCourse(course: Course): Update0 =
    sql"""INSERT INTO courses (id, name, year) VALUES ($course)""".update

Also, you might need these imports:

import doobie.implicits.*
import doobie.implicits.javasql.*
import doobie.postgres.implicits.*
import doobie.*

If your case class attributes and their types exactly matches with those specified in the table of the database, you don't need to manually specify the Writer[Course] because Doobie will automatically derivate it for you [1] and this should work for you:

case class Course (id: UUID, name: String, year: Int)

def insertCourse(course: Course): Update0 =
  sql"""INSERT INTO courses (id, name, year) VALUES ($course)""".update

Credits to my partner Y.C. that helped me to resolve this issue!

  • Thanks for helping out. This code shows the writer's properties listed out manually. This gets tedious fast. Is there not a way that the public properties of a case class be persisted by default? ... even better, automagic property enumeration for Reader and Writer?
    – Mike Slinn
    Commented Feb 24, 2022 at 12:07
  • @MikeSlinn I just tried again the same code, but without specifying the Writer[Course] and it seems that Doobie automatics derivation works well to generate it for us. I've updated my answer to be more specific. Commented Feb 24, 2022 at 15:05
  • That's what I'm talking about!
    – Mike Slinn
    Commented Feb 24, 2022 at 16:36

A little note: in case anyone also encountered

doobie.syntax.SqlInterpolator.SingleFragment[_]; incompatible interpolation method sql

while following David Corral example:

instead of

def insertCourse(course: Course): Update0 =
sql"""INSERT INTO courses (id, name, year) VALUES ($course)""".update

try wrapping course variable in Fragments

def insertCourse(course: Course): Update0 =
sql"""INSERT INTO courses (id, name, year) VALUES (${Fragments.values(course)})""".update

If you are using Postgres, you could take a look at another library of Rob Norris - skunk.

It allows you to write custom codecs:

  case class City(id: Int, name: String, code: String, district: String, pop: Int)

  val city: Codec[City] =
    (int4 ~ varchar ~ bpchar(3) ~ varchar ~ int4).gimap[City]

  val insertCity: Command[City] =
         INSERT INTO city
         VALUES ($city)

Check examples.


Doobie has Quill integration from getquill.io which allows you to model sql DML's using case classes https://github.com/polyvariant/doobie-quill

  • Doobie / Quill docs are very, very thin. Not enough info to be usable in a reasonable time period.
    – Mike Slinn
    Commented Jul 9, 2021 at 15:13
  • I meant that the docs on the integration do not say much. In particular, no examples show how the 2 products work together to add value.
    – Mike Slinn
    Commented Jul 10, 2021 at 18:21
  • Doobie is no longer officially supporting Quill and the library and docs have been removed from Doobie's site.
    – Mark Kegel
    Commented Feb 28, 2022 at 21:32
  • It is supported externally github.com/polyvariant/doobie-quill
    – YisraelU
    Commented Mar 2, 2022 at 2:00

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