I have Smalltalk sublime-syntax file (YAML) for Sublime Text 3 and I would like to add an highlighting support for embedded C code.

The inline C (which always starts with ^%\{ and ends with %\}$) code among the smalltalk code.

A simple example (not much C but wanted a simple case):

    "return the signal number for SIGABRT - 0 if not supported by OS
     (the numeric value is not the same across unix-systems)"

%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
#ifdef SIGABRT
    RETURN ( __mkSmallInteger(SIGABRT) );
    RETURN ( __mkSmallInteger(0) );

There is new feature embed in Sublime text (with even an example).

I tried to do something like this:

- match: '^%\{'
  embed: scope:source.c
  embed_scope: meta.environment.embedded.c.smalltalk source.c.embedded
  escape: '%\}$'

However, I was unable to correctly incorporate it into my current highlighting file.

Does anyone know how to correctly embed one language to another?

  • Stop adding unrelated tags. this is clearly not about the C language, but how to configure the editor. Commented Jul 19, 2018 at 18:48
  • @Olaf Did you read the question? It is about syntax highlighting of C language which is embedded in Smalltalk, yes in Sublime text editor. How can C language highlighting be unrelated to C?
    – tukan
    Commented Jul 19, 2018 at 19:11
  • 1
    Because it's irrelevant which language it is. Could as well be Brainfuck, it's a question about how to configure the editor to mixc two highlighting styles in the same source code. I strongly doubt you intend to completely write your own hightlighting file. Even then it's disputable whether the C tag is relevant. Commented Jul 19, 2018 at 19:29
  • We already have a backlog of tags to burn, please refrain from adding more unnecessary. Starting your own tag just for this question does not make sense. Less, as you did not add some info what the tag is about and how to use it. If that was to be more specific: it won't help, you already tagged smalltalk and sublime, everyone knowing enough to possibly help will know what you mean. Commented Jul 19, 2018 at 23:23
  • @Olaf First - I have added information about Smalltalk/X tag, but it needs to be approved by some that has enough reputation to do so. You should check before writing "..you did not add some info what the tag...". The tag smalltak-x will be used in my future questions as it has some rather specific features among Smalltalk environments; your removal does not make sense. Second - it could be Brainfuck, but it is not it is C so the tag is not irrelevant (I would tag it Brainfuck). On the other hand, you are right about that this could be meant as a guide for someone with similar needs.
    – tukan
    Commented Jul 20, 2018 at 7:07

2 Answers 2


This question is a little sticky because you've provided a sample syntax definition and a sample of some Smalltalk source code, but the code provided is not highlighted by the provided syntax because it's not structured properly.

For our purposes here, lets assume that the Smalltalk sample you provided is the following one. This may or may not be valid (it's been a long time since I've worked with Smalltalk) but it highlights with your syntax, so lets call that good enough for testing purposes.

Object subclass: Test [
        "return the signal number for SIGABRT - 0 if not supported by OS
         (the numeric value is not the same across unix-systems)"

    %{  /* NOCONTEXT */
    #ifdef SIGABRT
        RETURN ( __mkSmallInteger(SIGABRT) );
        RETURN ( __mkSmallInteger(0) );

The syntax match that you provided above is the correct one to use, so I'm guessing that your problem is in where you placed it in the syntax.

So lets presume that there is more than one place where we might want to match one of these C blocks in the syntax definition; in that case we may want to create a new context in the syntax that contains the match so that we can include it where it's needed:

  - match: '%\{'
    embed: scope:source.c
    embed_scope: meta.environment.embedded.c.smalltalk source.c.embedded
    escape: '%\}$'

This is the same excerpt as you provided above, but placed into a context. So lets say that the first place where a block such as this can appear is in the body of a block. You have a block-body context in your syntax, so we stick an include onto the end of it to include this new context:

  - include: pragma
  - include: selector
  - include: literal
  - include: block
  - include: comment
  - include: c-block

However, this does not have the desired outcome; the highlight is not correct:

Incorrect Highlighting

Clearly the highlighting is going wrong starting at least at the C comment start, possibly earlier. If you use Tools > Developer > Show Scope Name while the cursor is on the comment, you can see that the scope assigned is source.smalltalk entity.name.function, which means that the syntax is treating the C comment start as a method name.

It also looks like the %{ construct is not properly highlighted, and a check shows that the scope of the % character is source.smalltalk keyword.other.

So in reality the problem currently is that with the above definitions in place, instead of seeing %{ as starting a C block, it's being seen as a keyword, and if it's a keyword then the rules for matching a C block are not triggering at all.

If you look at your syntax, the main context looks like this:

  - match: '([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*)\s*(subclass:)\s*([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*)\s*\['
      1: entity.other.inherited-class
      2: keyword.other
      3: entity.name.type
      - match: '\]'
        pop: true
      - include: pragma
      - match: '(([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*:)|[+\-\/\\*~<>=@%|&?!.,:;^]+)\s*([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*)'
          1: entity.name.function
          3: variable.other
      - match: "([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*)"
        scope: entity.name.function
      - include: block
      - include: comment
      - include: block-body

These rules say that when we see a line that starts with something like BaseClass subclass: SubClass [, we are entering into an anonymous context (via the push) to handle the contents of the class body (or block or whatever).

The anonymous context contains the rule to pop out when it sees the closing ] character, two different matches to find a function name, then an include on the contexts for block, comment and block-body respectively.

When you include, Sublime takes all of the match rules from that context and inserts a copy of them at the point where you do the insert, as if you had just manually entered them there.

In addition, when there is more than one rule in a context that might potentially match, the first match rule in the context is the one that is applied (i.e. it "wins" the tie).

The scope keyword.other is applied in the rules from the pragma context as well as the selector context, and the selector context can match single % character as a keyword.

Thus the problem here is that since the include c-block appears after selector in the include list for the block-body context, the selector context is finding and matching the % character before the rule for the C block can find it.

The solution then would be to shift the location of the include c-block to be prior to that item to make sure that it matches first:

  - include: c-block
  - include: pragma
  - include: selector
  - include: literal
  - include: block
  - include: comment

With that in place, the block highlights more like we would expect:

Correct Highlighting

  • You are right about "... the code provided is not highlighted by the provided syntax because it's not structured properly..." Well that was part of my issue. I have tagged this also with "Smalltalk-x" (Olaf (now called: "To hones for this site" disagreed and deleted it) which is unique in this matter. It mixes a Smalltalk code with C (which then generates a mixed code). Your explanation is perfect and it answers my question. You have even made me think to fix my faulty syntax file.
    – tukan
    Commented Jul 26, 2018 at 10:39
  • I'll improve on the test file & the definition.
    – tukan
    Commented Jul 26, 2018 at 10:43
  • I have now re-created the highlighting file and it works correctly. Could you perhaps help me with my new question: superuser.com/questions/1345947/… ? I had to post it on superuser as it does not include any programming.
    – tukan
    Commented Aug 3, 2018 at 18:36

I was able to work around a similar issue with Regex lookahead and lookbehinds

    - match: ' (?=\{")'
      embed: scope:source.json
      escape: '(?<=\})$'

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