The Nexus 7 is that TVDPI, but that is not used in programming apps for it. Eclipse uses the HDPI, LDPI, MDPI, XHDPI, and XXHDPI folders. After my research, I still have found no solid conclusion.

Four different sources, four different answers:

1.33 x MDPI



No direct answer

So my question:

Does anyone really know which density (HDPI/LDPI/MDPI/XHDPI/XXHDPI) the Nexus 7 uses?


3 Answers 3


The Nexus 7 is that TVDPI, but that is not used in programming apps for it.

It certainly can be. You are welcome to use -tvdpi resource set qualifiers, as is covered in the documentation.

Eclipse uses the HDPI, LDPI, MDPI, XHDPI, and XXHDPI folders.

No, it uses -ldpi, -mdpi, -tvdpi, -hdpi, -xhdpi, and -xxhdpi resource set qualifiers, as is covered in the documentation.

Does anyone really know which density (HDPI/LDPI/MDPI/XHDPI/XXHDPI) the Nexus 7 uses?

It uses -tvdpi, as is covered in the documentation.

  • So should i just create a new folder drawable-tvdpi and have an additional layout for it?
    – Evorlor
    Commented May 2, 2013 at 22:28
  • 2
    @Evorlor: Well, layouts go in res/layout.../ folders, not res/drawable... folders. You are welcome to apply -tvdpi to either. Having custom layouts for -tvdpi would be bizarre. Having custom drawables for -tvdpi is certainly possible but probably overkill. Even Google doesn't do that for the OS artwork. Android will automatically scale a different density's worth of drawables if you fail to provide ones that match the density of the device. So, if you have -hdpi drawables, Android will downsample those and use them automatically. Commented May 2, 2013 at 22:32
  • @CommonsWare I have two drawable folders, one with -600dp and another with -tvdpi (exclusively for nexus 7). As nexus 7 takes up the large images, I have put larger images in -tvdpi, however, I notice that Nexus 7 emulator still takes images from -600dp folder. Can you explain a bit about that issue? Or do I need another folder saying layout-tvdpi for referencing the images in -tvdpi drawable folder?
    – user1952459
    Commented Sep 12, 2013 at 6:35
  • 1
    @CommonsWare Okay, so what should I do if I want to provide specific sized images only for Nexus 7? I mean in my application, I need to provide the specific sized images for 10", 7" and tweener (5") tablets. For that I have taken three folders, -sw720dp, -sw600dp and -sw480dp, and as far as I have tested with available devices and emulators, its working fine, except Nexus 7.
    – user1952459
    Commented Sep 13, 2013 at 5:01
  • 3
    @mANDROID: If you do that, rename your -sw600dp drawable resource directory to -sw600dp-mdpi. Otherwise, all apps will use the -sw600dp-tvdpi directory. This is why you usually do not see drawable directories based upon screen size, and never based only upon screen size. Commented Sep 13, 2013 at 14:34

enter image description here You can find all the info right in eclise while working with xml layouts. It's very convinient tool to test your design on multiple screens before running on actual devices too.


Keep in mind this is for the Nexus 7 ( 2012 ). The more recent Nexus 7 ( 2013 ) resolution is 1200 x 1920, with a density of 320dpi(2.0x)

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