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Questions tagged [dpi]

DPI stands for Dots Per Inch

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Make Delphi XE application DPI-unaware

I just created a new application in Delphi and even though other applications written the same way, this new application does not get automatically scaled by Windows. All applications have exactly the ...
Andreas Ströbel's user avatar
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How do I scale or set the the size of an ImageIcon in Java?

I can not find a way to set the size of an ImageIcon placed in a JLabel. I i.e. want to load image with size 32x32, but paint in size of 16x16 pixel (or 144 dpi). I can no where find a way to set the ...
Stuepfnick's user avatar
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On Windows 11, why does my app's window still get resized when I set the DPI awareness context to DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT_PER_MONITOR_AWARE_V2?

I've created a skeleton Windows app using Visual Studio 19's app creation wizard. At the start of WinMain(), I call SetProcessDPIAwarenessContext(DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT_PER_MONITOR_AWARE_V2); and in ...
Nick Kovac's user avatar
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How Can I track the Last DPI which is sent by WM_DPICHANGED in WPF?

I want to scale my WPF application according to available screen DPI. I know there Per Monitor DPI aware available but that are completely different what I want to achieve. I want to disable scaling ...
MERUN KUMAR MAITY's user avatar
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DPI awareness for child process in Windows MSIX container

I'm currently deploying a third party executable alongside my own program inside a MSIX package. The 3rd party program is launched via a system command inside a new process group and without a console....
user25507062's user avatar
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DrawingContext non blurry lines

I have been trying to create my own Decorator class, something like the Border class, but with custom line drawing for the corners. I want some corners to be round and others to be straight. One thing ...
Vastar's user avatar
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Calculate mouse DPI

My script should calculate mouse DPI based on how far the mouse cursor moves. I use the ctypes library. I'm trying to find DPI deviations (my mouse software has DPI set to 900 but it's really 862). I ...
Chance D's user avatar
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Unrecognized Manifest option

I'm using MSVC 2017 on Windows 8.1. During the compilation I'm getting the following error: c:\wxWidgets\include\wx\msw\wx_dpi_aware_pmv2.manifest : manifest authoring warning 81010002: Unrecognized ...
Igor's user avatar
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gdiScaling: can be disable for a specific child window?

I have enabled the gdiScaling option to my MFC C++ application using manifest. However I have a specific internal child window drawn with GDI that has some glitches and performance issues. Can the &...
Davide Capodaglio's user avatar
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gdiScaling : issues with lines drawn with GDI

I have enabled the "gdiScaling" option in the manifest to enable the enhanced GDI scaling feature on my MFC C++ application. I have however some issues with drawing lines with MoveTo/LineTo :...
Davide Capodaglio's user avatar
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Cannot change density of GIF and HEIC files

For some unknown reason, I cannot change the density of GIF and HEIC images. # Works for PNG, JPEG and TIFF, but doesn't work for GIF and HEIC magick input.png -units pixelsperinch -density 300 output....
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ImageMagick shows the same print size for 300 and 72 DPI images?

I have two images, both are 2550 by 3300 pixels, which is 8.5 by 11 inches if printed at 300 DPI, but whereas the first image is 300 DPI, the second is only 72 DPI. The official help page of the ...
user avatar
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.net MAUI How to get DPi/PPi cross platform

Get DPI/PPI Hello, How can one get the DPI or PPI in Maui for every platform? I could only find DeviceDisplay.MainDisplayInfo.Density, but this gives me only the scaling of the display like 1,2 and so ...
macaroni's user avatar
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Windows Form - CefSharp automatically resizes window on monitor 125%

I have 2 monitors: the main monitor has 125% of zoom (laptop display), the second one is a secondary monitor that has a standard zoom of 100%. Now i have a Winform application (.NET Framework 4.8) ...
Luca Giordano's user avatar
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This is a way to get the ScreenHeightInRawPixels, RawPixelsPerViewPixel, DiagonalSizeInInches and DpiChanged events of a window's screen in WinUI3

I'm trying to convert my UWP app to WinUI3 and I'm unable to get the monitor information (where my app's windows are located [or belongs to]). I need to know the following values that I have in my UWP ...
Pavlo Datsiuk's user avatar

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