I want to remove all changes, workspace links and logs from Jenkins front page.

I do not want unauthorized people, bots, etc to have access to this kind of information.

How can I do that?

1 Answer 1


Set up your permissions to not allow unauthorized access


Make sure you have your own user/admin setup will all permission, otherwise you risk locking yourself out. If you do, use information here to reset [thanks Alex]

To configure anonymous users to not see anything:

  • Go to Manage Jenkins
  • Click Configure System/Configure Global Security (depending on your Jenkins/Hudson configuration)
  • Under Access Control -> Security Realm, you should have either Matrix-based security or Project-based Matrix Authorization Strategy. I will assume you've selected the later.
  • Under User/group to add: type authenticated and click Add
  • Now, give this group all the permissions that you want them to have.
  • Next, under User/group to add: type Anonymous and click Add
  • Make sure that none of the permissions are given to this group
  • Click Save

This way, anonymous (not-logged in) users will not be able to see anything, but authenticated (logged in) users will be able to see what you selected. You can drill-down into more specific user permissions by adding individual users and granting them certain permissions.

P.S. The user authentication depends on your Security Realm configuration. You can configure to use Active Directory/LDAP, or use Jenkin's own user database. The former means you don't have to create users in Jenkins, just give them permissions. The later means you've got to create Jenkins's users first through Manage Jenkins -> Manage Users

  • It worked 1. It is "Configure Global Security" not "Configure System" 2. Please place WARNING on top of anything....I locked myself out :) because by the time I read the warning was too late (fixed with this wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Disable+security)
    – Alex
    Commented Feb 1, 2013 at 16:37
  • Whoops, sorry, glad you figured out how to reset. I've updated the OP :)
    – Slav
    Commented Feb 1, 2013 at 17:06
  • 1
    I wish I could upvote it multiple times..such a rare piece of information. Commented Jul 18, 2015 at 4:22

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