I have commit X and 2 commits after it. I should move only X to new branch. How can I do this?
(And my repo is in remote repo also, I don't think exactly what is it, but I won't get "detached head")
Thanks a lot

1 Answer 1


If commit X is the only commit you want to port to the new branch and the branch is new, simply start the new branch from that commit.

$ git branch newbranch COMMIT_HASH

If you want to move commit X to an existing branch and commit X doesn't necessary fit the branch history, then you can cherry-pick the commit

$ git cherry-pick COMMIT_HASH
  • Thank for your answer. If I'll use "git branch newbranch COMMIT_HASH" will the commit be deleted from current branch (master for me)? Commented Oct 1, 2012 at 17:17
  • @Metalex No it will not be automatically deleted, it'll just create a new branch starting at that commit. To remove it you'll have to use the rebase or revert command.
    – Roman
    Commented Oct 1, 2012 at 17:32

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