Suppose I have a street name, is there a way to find whether that street is an East-West Street or a North-South Street???

So say for eg I have a street named John Street, how can I find whether it heads in East-West direction or South-North direction.


1 Answer 1


For a start, it's probably dangerous to assume that roads always run N-S or E-W. That's not taking into account situations where either geographical features, or the slow disorganised build-up of an urban area, has mandated roads that curve, or run NW-SE for example.

However, provided you have a means to extract relatively accurate GPS co-ordinates from a street address, you could try getting the co-ordinates for 1 John St and 21 John St and using the difference to calculate which direction the road goes at that point.

Short of finding a nice simple Android API call called something like GetStreetDirection(), the differential GPS co-ordinates would be the first method I'd be looking at.

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