I have ports_list table with ports column below:

ports intended_output
"[{\"id\":193,\"name\":\"PORT C\"}]" PORT C
"[{\"id\":204,\"name\":\"PORT D\"}]" PORT D
"[{\"id\":45,\"name\":\"PORT I\"},{\"id\":193,\"name\":\"PORT C\"},{\"id\":204,\"name\":\"PORT D\"},{\"id\":271,\"name\":\"PORT G\"}]" PORT I, PORT C, PORT D, PORT G

I use this method and somehow managed to get result when there is only single port value in a row unfortunately it is unable to cater for multiple port values in a row:

select ports,
REPLACE( substring(ports, CHARINDEX('"name\":\', ports, 1)+10, LEN(ports)-10), 
from ports_list
ports output
"[{\"id\":193,\"name\":\"PORT C\"}]" PORT C
"[{\"id\":204,\"name\":\"PORT D\"}]" PORT D
"[{\"id\":45,\"name\":\"PORT I\"},{\"id\":193,\"name\":\"PORT C\"},{\"id\":204,\"name\":\"PORT D\"},{\"id\":271,\"name\":\"PORT G\"}]" PORT I"},{"id":193,"name":"PORT C"},{"id":204,"name":"PORT D"},{"id":271,"name":"PORT G"}]"

Can someone help me to get the intended output as per the first table?

  • What's your RDBMS? Some support JSON
    – Turo
    Commented Mar 10, 2021 at 17:49
  • Write a custom function. What database do you use? What language are you coding in? Add those tags.
    – June7
    Commented Mar 10, 2021 at 17:49
  • I use Microsoft sql server. Added tags.
    – rain123
    Commented Mar 10, 2021 at 18:46
  • What is your SQL Server version?
    – Zhorov
    Commented Mar 10, 2021 at 20:25
  • this is my version Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (SP4) (KB4018073) - 11.0.7001.0 (X64) @Zhorov
    – rain123
    Commented Mar 10, 2021 at 23:59

3 Answers 3


Your ports column is a double-escaped JSON, in other words, it contains a JSON-escaped string that represents a JSON object.

So we just need to get it back into regular JSON to query it. Let's stuff it into a [] JSON array, then pass it to JSON_VALUE:

select ports,
    STRING_AGG(j.name, ', ')
from ports_list
outer apply OPENJSON(JSON_VALUE('[' + ports + ']', '$[0]'))
    with (name nvarchar(100) '$.name') as j
group by ports;
  • i tried using your method and this is what i get 'JSON_VALUE' is not a recognized built-in function name. I am using Microsoft SQL Server 2012.
    – rain123
    Commented Mar 11, 2021 at 0:03
  • Sorry just realized you had multiple values you wanted to aggregate. Also, yeah you should probably upgrade from SQL2012, it was end-of-life'd in 2016! Commented Mar 11, 2021 at 0:13
  • unfortunately, upgrading it is beyond my control. it is my company decision
    – rain123
    Commented Mar 11, 2021 at 0:26

You created a soluntion to resolve only when exists one port.

The function CharIndex is returning the first ocorrency of '"name":' always and the function SUBSTRING always return the string minus the ten last characters.

A form to resolve the problem is creating the user function to return all ocorrency of port.

try create the function below

    @string nvarchar(max)
RETURNS nvarchar(MAX)
          @length INT ,
          @aux INT ,
          @return NVARCHAR(MAX)

  SET @length = LEN(@string)
  SET @aux = 1
  SET @return = ''

  WHILE(CHARINDEX('"name\":\', @string,@aux) != 0)
    SET @return = @return + '  ' + REPLACE( substring(@string,
            CHARINDEX('"name\":\', @string,@aux)+10, 
    SET @string = SUBSTRING(@string,CHARINDEX('"name\":\', @string,@aux) + 6,LEN(@string) )


  RETURN @return


To Test:

select ports,dbo.uf_findPorts(ports)
from ports_list

SELECT dbo.uf_findPorts('[{\"id\":45,\"name\":\"PORT I\"},{\"id\":193,\"name\":\"PORT C\"},{\"id\":204,\"name\":\"PORT D\"},{\"id\":271,\"name\":\"PORT G\"}]')

SELECT dbo.uf_findPorts('"[{\"id\":193,\"name\":\"PORT C\"}]"')

OBS: If exists any error of write you can corret me

  • hi, it is close however my port name is not always 6 characters. For example if my port name is Guangzhou, it will only take first 6 characters "Guangz" using your method
    – rain123
    Commented Mar 11, 2021 at 0:17
  • also when there are multiple values in a row, I want it to appear as "PORT A, PORT B, PORT C" instead of your output PORT A PORT B PORT C
    – rain123
    Commented Mar 11, 2021 at 0:27
  • @rain123 you can include the comma inside return + ' , ' + REPLACE( substring(string, CHARINDEX('"name\":\', string,aux)+10, 6), '\"}]"', '' ) Commented Mar 11, 2021 at 6:24

Thanks to those who tried to help.

Posting my solution here if anyone stumbled into similar problem in the future:

 select ports = replace(replace(replace(dbo.fnRemovePatternFromString(dbo.fnRemovePatternFromString(dbo.fnRemovePatternFromString(dbo.fnRemovePatternFromString(ports,'%[\"{}]%',1),'%name:%',5),'%id:%',3),'%[0-9]%',1),'[,',''),',,',','),']','')
    from ports_list

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