I am trying to extract postal_code from Google geocoder JSON (long_name from address_components where types = postal_code, in this case value 1000):

               "long_name":"Pod bukvami",
               "short_name":"Pod bukvami",
         "formatted_address":"Pod bukvami 9, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia",
            "compound_code":"2FMQ+VQ Ljubljana, Slovenia",

I tried with JSON_VALUE([GoogleJSON],'$.results[0].address_components[5].long_name') but address_components array doesn't have fixed number of elements. I would like to use something like address_components[types="postal_code"].long_name but not sure if this is possible

Thanks, Miljan

  • I wrote an article for that on my blog: guenter-muehldorfer.de/index.php?/archives/… even if MS SQL Server meanwhile supports JSON it's not that easy and intuitive. But the article shows how I did it with some file larger than 1 GB. The main challenge is, that you need to do it level by level
    – cboden
    Commented Feb 10, 2022 at 19:21

1 Answer 1


NOTE: The JSON posted in the question requires surrounding braces {} to make it valid JSON.

Have you read up on OPENJSON (Transact-SQL) yet? It's easy to use it from a cross apply as shown below...

select address.*
from #Example
cross apply openjson(GoogleJSON, N'$.results[0].address_components') with (
  long_name nvarchar(100),
  short_name nvarchar(100),
  types nvarchar(max) as json
) address
where 'postal_code' in (select [value] from openjson(types, '$'));

Which returns the result...

long_name short_name types
1000 1000 [ "postal_code" ]

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