I am trying to train a resnet model for CIFAR10 using the following repo in tensorflow: https://github.com/stanford-futuredata/dawn-bench-models/tree/master/tensorflow/CIFAR10/resnet. Even though the readme mentions tensorflow 1.2, I got a Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement tensorflow==1.2 when trying to install, so I am instead using tensorflow 1.15. I am also using Python 3.7.6 and running on a Mac. When I try to run the training script resnet_main.py:

python3 resnet/resnet_main.py --train_data_path=cifar10/data_batch* \
                            --log_root=/tmp/resnet_model \
                            --train_dir=/tmp/resnet_model/train \

I get the following command line error: zsh: no matches found: --train_data_path=cifar10/data_batch*. I imagine it has to do with the *, though I'm not sure, and I'm not sure what the work around is. Thanks!


1 Answer 1


The answer is as simple as adding single quotes, such as --train_data_path='cifar10/data_batch*', for all the filepaths.

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