Using the neo4j browser, I am unable to do anything until I start a particular graph. Even selecting a database is only available after I start a graph. Are databases under graphs or is it the other way around?

2 Answers 2


I believe you are asking about the Neo4j Desktop UI. I agree that the terminology used by the UI is confusing.

What the Desktop UI calls a "Graph" is actually a neo4j installation. (By the way, "Graph" is just the default name for an installation -- you can specify a different name.)

The Desktop tool allows you to create multiple "Projects", and each Project can have multiple neo4j installations.

  • Just an FYI, the terminology in Neo4j Desktop is changing accordingly! Check the latest version of Neo4j Desktop to see the changes Commented Apr 2, 2020 at 20:41

I will just add the official docs, maybe it will help.

In very simple terms as you ask: DATABASE -> GRAPH (I think this is more like DATABASE = GRAPH).

".. when Neo4j is installed and an instance created, it will be initiated with two databases – a system database and a default (neo4j) database. Launching Neo4j Browser will automatically point us to the neo4j default database".


  1. After running default, switch to system database

    :use system

  2. run


  • Correct for now, a database only has a single graph, so at the moment they're equivalent. Multigraph features per database are being considered, however, so this may change in the future. Commented Apr 2, 2020 at 19:03

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