I have a table consisting of key/value pairs:

mytable[a] = 1, 
mytable[b] = 4, 
mytable[r] = 7, 
mytable[f] = 2,


I want to sort the table by the numbers. So I'd like the table to be {(a, 1), (f, 2), (b, 4), (r, 7)} I've tried using

table.sort(mytable, function(a, b) return a[2] > b[2] end)

but that didn't seem to work... Thankyou

  • 1
    tables in Lua don't have any order, so you can't sort them. Only sequences have an implicit order through their numeric indices, but that's a matter of interpretation, unrelated to the table itself. Commented Oct 11, 2019 at 9:45

2 Answers 2


One way that is suggested in "Programming Lua" (I don't remember where exactly) is to extract the keys into a separate sequence, then sort the sequence, and use the resulting sorted sequence to index into the original table. Example:

keys = {}

for key, _ in pairs(mytable) do
    table.insert(keys, key)

table.sort(keys, function(keyLhs, keyRhs) return mytable[keyLhs] < mytable[keyRhs] end)

You can then iterate over the keys to retrieve the corresponding values:

for _, key in ipairs(keys) do
    print(key, mytable[key])

A table either is a set of key/value pairs or an array. OK, that's not entirely true; a table can be both, but the key/value entries will have no relationship to the array entries. That is, you can do this:

tbl = {
  ['a'] = 1,
  ['b'] = 4,
  [1] = {'a', 1},
  [2] = {'b', 4},

tbl[2] will have no direct relationship to tbl['b']. You can perform tbl[2] = <anything>, and it will have no effect on the contents of tbl['b'].

So long as the table doesn't change, you can take any pure key/value table and build an array part of it, which you can then sort however you like. Here's a function which does that:

local function build_array(tbl)
  --We cannot modify `tbl` while iterating through it, so build a temp array.
  local arr = {}
  for key, value in pairs(tbl) do
    arr[#arr + 1] = {key, value}

  for ix, value in ipairs(arr) do
    tbl[ix] = value

  return tbl
  • May you add to your answer for the sake of completeness also the code which uses the provided build_array(tbl) function and returns by value sorted original table tbl? Do I understand it right that Lua guarantees always the same order of the table pairs returned by pairs()? Or is it necessary to wrap a table by an array-like table to get a guaranteed order of the items determined by the order of the natural numbers in range 1..sizeOfTable used as keys for ordered delivery of table items?
    – oOosys
    Commented Aug 18, 2023 at 6:54

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