So, I'm having my data parsed to json and then put in the model attributes. Like this:

public String getNetworkDetails(Model model, @PathVariable String id) throws JsonProcessingException{

    model.addAttribute("poolHashrates", findAndDisplayDataService.getAllPools(Long.valueOf(id)));
    model.addAttribute("poolDataJson", findAndDisplayDataService.returnPoolsAsJson(Long.valueOf(id)));

    return "networkDetails :: modalContents";

Next I'm trying to assign a poolDataJson string to a JS variable in html fragment through:

    var data = eval('('+'${poolDataJson}'+')');

What I would like to do with the data, is pass it to external JavaScript file as a data for my pie-chart. But first I'm getting an error on a string assignment:

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token {

What am I missing?


I have also tried assigning json string to hidden input via:

<input type="hidden" id="networkId" th:value="${poolDataJson}"/></td>

And then read it with:

var data = document.getElementById('networkId').innerHTML;

But again, nothing prints in console. When I put the ${poolDataJson} in

it prints properly on a page...

  • Try assigning poolDataJson to variable like var data = ${poolDataJson}; an then pass data into eval. Commented May 22, 2018 at 8:27
  • Same. Unexpected token on var json = ${poolDataJson};
    – Maciaz
    Commented May 22, 2018 at 8:33

1 Answer 1


You shouldn't be returning a String as JSON text. Instead, you should return regular Java objects and then evaluate it like this (thymeleaf will automatically convert objects to JSON):

<script th:inline="javascript">
var data = /*[[${poolDataJson}]]*/ {};

As for your errors. I would have to guess that your method findAndDisplayDataService.returnPoolsAsJson is returning invalid JSON. Without a real example, it's hard to tell.

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