I am send Sending a list from server to thymeleaf through model attribute

friendsOnlineModel.setFriendsOnline(defaultFriendRequestService.getFriendsOnline(user) == null ? Collections.EMPTY_LIST : defaultFriendRequestService.getFriendsOnline(user));

    chatModel.setChats(defaultChatService.getUnreadChats() == null ? Collections.EMPTY_LIST : defaultChatService.getUnreadChats());

    model.addAttribute("friends_online", friendsOnlineModel);

    model.addAttribute("chats", chatModel);

I dont want to display them straight in an "li" tag, but rather pass it to a js function which displays them. Is it possible?

1 Answer 1


There are a couple ways you can do this. You could use JavaScript inlining, and add the data directly into your page. Similar to the example:

<script th:inline="javascript">
    var fiendsOnline = [[${friends_online}]];
    var chats = [[${chats}]];

Then you can deal with them in javascript however you want.

Or, instead of putting these attributes on the model, you can add them to a different controller method annotated with @ResponseBody. Then you call that method using ajax, and Spring will return your object as JSON.

  • Thanks very much it worked, the @responsebody method is slow, because i want it on startup(on page load). Commented May 3, 2018 at 17:26

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