I followed the instructions here: Setting up SourceTree to merge unity3d scenes with UnityYAMLMerge

But every time I pull, I get a lot of files with conflicts:

enter image description here

and for each of them I need to launch the external tool which doesn't show anything and after I close it the conflict is resolved:

enter image description here enter image description here

This is unbearably annoying, should I even care about those zero name files?

And why Meld is unable to open any of those files?

Edit: I added the Library folder to my gitignore and now have less conflicted files, but Meld still doesn't work.

1 Answer 1


Except the files under Library/ folder shouldn’t be add to version control by git, the Asset/Scenes/MainScene.unity.orig and Asset/Scenes/MainScene.unity.orig.orig also shouldn’t add in git to version control since the file Asset/Scenes/MainScene.unity is the right one to be managed in git.

And why does the file filename.orig created, it’s mainly caused by the setting for External Merge Tool is not specified correctly in SourceTree. So please check the meld is installed correctly and the requirements are also prepared:

• Python 3.3
• GTK+ 3.14
• GLib 2.36
• PyGObject 3.14
• GtkSourceView 3.14
• pycairo

Besides, you can also refer Unity, SourceTree and Merge Conflicts for the entire settings.

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