So I wrote a short bat file which creates user and some more:

@echo off
net user egzamin /add
net user egzaming /expires:17/07/17
net user egzamin /logonpasswordchg:YES

what I get from it is:
C:\Users\Ja\Desktop>´╗┐@echo /off
'´╗┐@echo' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

Rest works just fine


3 Answers 3


Your editor saved the file with a BOM = byte order mark. You can check this viewing the file with a hex viewer.

> hex.exe Test.txt
HEX:       +00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07  08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f  0123456789abcdef
0000000000: EF BB BF 40 45 63 68 6F  20 6F 66 66              ´╗┐@Echo off

To avoid this take care when saving and select the proper encoding and no BOM.


Use a proper text editor to edit batch files. Editplus is my preference - others use notepad++ and other utilities.

Note pad is barely adequate, and like word-processors, attempts to format the text to "make sense".

You need to save your file as ASCII - you appear to have some extraneous characters before the @


Save the .Bat file as:

UTF8 without BOM

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