I am trying to use Google Material Icons Sprite.. the CSS they are providing is something like this

.icon {
  background-image: url(../images/sprite-alert-white.PNG);
.icon-ic_add_alert_white_24dp {
  background-position: -0px -0px;
  width: 32px;
  height: 32px;
.icon-ic_error_outline_white_24dp {
  background-position: -32px -0px;
  width: 32px;
  height: 32px;
.icon-ic_error_white_24dp {
  background-position: -0px -32px;
  width: 32px;
  height: 32px;
.icon-ic_warning_white_24dp {
  background-position: -32px -32px;
  width: 32px;
  height: 32px;
.icon {
  background-image: url(../images/sprite-alert-black.PNG);
.icon-ic_add_alert_black_24dp {
  background-position: -0px -0px;
  width: 32px;
  height: 32px;
.icon-ic_error_black_24dp {
  background-position: -32px -0px;
  width: 32px;
  height: 32px;
.icon-ic_error_outline_black_24dp {
  background-position: -0px -32px;
  width: 32px;
  height: 32px;
.icon-ic_warning_black_24dp {
  background-position: -32px -32px;
  width: 32px;
  height: 32px;
.icon {
  background-image: url(../images/sprite-toggle-white.PNG);
.icon-ic_check_box_outline_blank_white_24dp {
  background-position: -0px -0px;
  width: 32px;
  height: 32px;
.icon-ic_check_box_white_24dp {
  background-position: -32px -0px;
  width: 32px;
  height: 32px;
.icon-ic_indeterminate_check_box_white_24dp {
  background-position: -0px -32px;
  width: 32px;
  height: 32px;
.icon-ic_radio_button_checked_white_24dp {
  background-position: -32px -32px;
  width: 32px;
  height: 32px;
.icon-ic_radio_button_unchecked_white_24dp {
  background-position: -64px -0px;
  width: 32px;
  height: 32px;
.icon-ic_star_border_white_24dp {
  background-position: -64px -32px;
  width: 32px;
  height: 32px;
.icon-ic_star_half_white_24dp {
  background-position: -0px -64px;
  width: 32px;
  height: 32px;
.icon-ic_star_white_24dp {
  background-position: -32px -64px;
  width: 32px;
  height: 32px;
.icon {
  background-image: url(../images/sprite-toggle-black.PNG);

The confusion is when i am trying to use

<div class="icon icon-ic_add_alert_white_24dp"></div>

It works Awesome... but when i put this...

 <div class="icon icon-ic_add_alert_black_24dp"></div>

it doesn't work ... i think because the .icon is set multiple times and it takes either first or last value of .icon depending upon the browser..

.icon { background-image: ---------

but its Google they must have validated their CSS, Can you guide how it should work , i am new to Sprites...


1) https://github.com/google/material-design-icons/tree/master/sprites

2) https://design.google.com/icons/

Please Help

  • Please include a minimal reproducible example in your post.
    – TylerH
    Commented Oct 5, 2016 at 13:41
  • the issue is very simple, google's CSS is using .icon { background-image: url (); more than two times in a single file with different URLS ...so i am not able to get all the icons . :(
    – N.K
    Commented Oct 5, 2016 at 13:45
  • For questions asking "why isn't my code working" you must provide a complete working reproduction of the problem in your question. AKA we need at least enough of your HTML and your CSS to reproduce this problem ourselves.
    – TylerH
    Commented Oct 5, 2016 at 13:47
  • For your second reference they use a font none sprite imgs
    – DaniP
    Commented Oct 5, 2016 at 13:51
  • why don't use this: design.google.com/icons ? Commented Oct 5, 2016 at 13:54

1 Answer 1


try this

.icon {
  background-image: url(../images/sprite-alert-white.PNG);
.iconBlack {
  background-image: url(../images/sprite-alert-black.PNG);
<div class="iconBlack icon-ic_add_alert_black_24dp"></div>

  • this works perfectly, but i cant change the CSS as its included in Bower Package provided by google, and there are more than 20 css files each defining atleast 10 times ".icon{ ...} " classes...
    – N.K
    Commented Oct 6, 2016 at 3:53

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